Katherine1091 (5408315)
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Cozy Tree House by Sarah1091
Published Aug 22, 2014
About Me
Hello everyone,
my name is Sarah, I am 28 years old and I'm living in Germany.
Most of the time I just play my favorite Sim, but I really like building!
I can't play without CC or Mods.
My Gallery -> Katherine1091
My Latest Updates Show All
First StoryWritten Jul 21, 2014
Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank you for your comments on the Introduction of my Stroy Lost! It means so much to me, because it is my first Story! It makes me always smile when I see there are new comments and all the nice words are such a pleasure for me :) So my vacation is half done and I will continue if I am home. I was visiting an Island called "Fehmarn", a small one in... ...More
My first StoryWritten Sep 09, 2013
Hey there! This is my first post but I don't know if someone will ever read this :D Whatever. I told a few people that I want to publish a story. My first one. YAY! Besides the normal fears the story could be awful or nobody likes it I have some other issues. My problem is I would like to publish the Intro in a few days or in a week. I "only" have to translate the Intro from my main... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
RemusSirionNov 26, 2024
Hey, vielen Dank für deine lieben Worte! ♥ Ich bin aktuell bei ModCollective unterwegs, habe aber alle Seiten (auch social media) in meinem TSR-Profil verlinkt Viele Grüße!
Tiffany.VegasMay 09, 2020
Thank you for the kind words! Have an awesome day. §(* ̄▽ ̄*)§
ReevalyApr 22, 2020
Dankeschöön! ♥