KingDalt777 (80347)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (82 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Chatteaubriand Style Mansion
Published Jul 9, 2008
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
I'm simply amazed at the Sims. I love how interactive and realistic the game is. It's made me think about a lot of things I think I took for granted unintentionally socially. I allways liked building houses, thus my still in existance legos the nieces and nephews play with, lol. With the sims, I can build our dream homes, do walk throughs, make ideas come to life so to speak. And I discovered I had a latent talent for landscaping I never considered or knew I had, until playing the sims. Wow! I am constantly in total awe at the talent out there, all the submissions and creations to choose from, some people if they are not , should have careers in clothing design to interior decorating. I visit literally hundreds of sites, and STILL find things I think I just have to have for my game, objects, skins and more. I DO have my favorite artists - Raveena is one, but there are so many fellow simmers that are just wonderful and contribute sooo much. I got myself in gear to do a little creating, just to contribute too for all the downloads I've enjoyed. Peace and Love to ALL!!!
P.S. My Sim pic is pretty close - I made it with GoldFacelift - a great program once you figure out the size to pick so the heads look right, lol.
My Guestbook Show All
midland_04Jun 08, 2008
KingDalt777, No problem on the comment. Have a good evening! Midland_04
wildstar24Sep 29, 2007
Hello. Thank you so much for the nice comments on my garden & farm tools; so glad to hear you're enjoying the set.
n8eulchenMay 16, 2007
Thanks for your comments on my items! Have a nice day and happy simming