Koolebra (215354)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (21 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Kool Tights 01-07
Published Apr 1, 2011
About Me
¡Hola a todos! Me llamo Koolebra, y vivo en Chile , Sudamérica. Admito que me encantan los juegos de los Sims, ya que me divierto al hacer mis reality shows a mi pinta. Ahora sólo espero hacer muchos amigos aquí para compartir con ellos esta afición.
(Hello to everyone! My name is Koolebra, and i live in Chile, Southamerica. I admit that i love the Sims games, since i fun myself with them making my own reality shows in my mood. Now i only hope make very many friends here to share with them this hobby.)
PD: Sorry for my bad english, but my native language is the spanish. If someone can correct me, i'll thank to him very much.
My Guestbook Show All
71robert13Dec 28, 2009
Hola, Welcome to TSR! Thank you for commenting on my Mesh_TMB_SKS_Loose-NR . assuming you are refering to all the "Low-cut" Jeans showing off butt cracks, I had the same issue and is part of what got me started making my own cloths. Falise Navidad & Buenos nueve anos. (I hope that is at least close to correct)