LadyMinion (1021325)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (92 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Brightview Urban Villa
Published Apr 14, 2007
About Me
I'm a loony twenty-something housewife living in the historical town of Ipswich in Suffolk. I share my home with an equally loony fiance, 6 parrots, 6 cats, a frog, a gecko, and many tropical fish.
I enjoy building lots for Sims 2, mainly residential and dormitories. I also make parrots for the Pets EP. Occasionally I'll be inspired to do something different, hence the odd recolour you'll see dotted about.
I have an unhealthy interest in vampires, particularly in books. *Proceeds to pimp J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series*
My Latest Updates Show All
I'm still here..Written May 04, 2007
I must apologise *again* for my recent abscence. I can't believe the bad luck that has happened to me, but I have been without an internet connection for over a week. This time it was not my modem, but an issue related to the cable company's equipment in the street. The reason this took so long to resolve was because initially they assumed it was just me and didn't send an engineer out for... ...More
No internet...Written Apr 18, 2007
I just want to apologise for disappearing down a black hole the last few days. My cable modem packed up over the weekend and the cable company made a right balls-up of getting it sorted. It's all been rather frustrating I tell ya! Anyway, I'm back now *touches wood* and will be responding to all the comments and messages left in my absence over the course of the evening. I also want to say... ...More
Latest submissions...Written Apr 12, 2007
Just a quick update to alert you to upcoming publications. :D Today sees the release of my Palm Cockatoo. I just want to say that the screenshot doesn't do this bird justice, being such a dark colour made it awkward to present well. If you're not sure going by the picture, please do give it a look in-game. I have opted for a mid-size texture on this one - I did create a higher quality one... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
sexyroxyyy10Jul 18, 2013
I want to thank you so much for your animals stuff ! they are so cute specially the birds! thank you i love them !
pandakatieJun 08, 2012
I love all your stuff. I know I've already asked twice but can you mak ea Gilbird for the bird cage? I know most of your birds are real animals , and not from a anime/manga, but I'd really apreaciate it.
charrayDec 24, 2008
You are a wonderful artist Wonderful job on your creations Thanks for sharing them. Happy Holidays