LauraLea1018 (1461369)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Laura's #2
Published Aug 11, 2006
About Me
I'm a recently married 22 year old from Oklahoma. I am just starting to teach the first grade and we just recently purchased our first house. I have a very exciting, yet typical life.
My Guestbook Show All
detimgiAug 29, 2006
Thanks LauraLea1018 for your compliment on the comfy den sofa.I appreciate it.De
BoodaMaeAug 19, 2006
Can't wait to see the next chapter. I would like to make story but don't know how.
If you have time you can look up my only lot, Tanner's Funeral Home if you havent seen it.
BoodaMaeAug 19, 2006
Thank you!