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Liesanne's Guestbook

charrayJul 23, 2009

Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your wonderful creations \:\)  Great job on them! \:rah\: \:rah\:

AlyoshaJan 1, 2009

Hiya! Happy New Year! \:rah\: Just wanted to let you know that after 1.5 years, the FIFTH PART of THE BLACK STATUE is already published! Hahaha... Hope ya still read it, and I hope you won't be disappointed! Sorry for the VERY VERY VEEEEERRRYYYY LONG delay! \:rah\: Thanks again, Alyosha \:P \:cool\:

DirtdevillJun 26, 2008

Hi, Liesanne!\:D Happy Birthday!\:rah\: I hope you have a great & Simtastic day with a lot of nice presents!!! \:D

AlyoshaJan 30, 2008

Hi~ Thanks so much for the encouraging words in my gb~! It does feel better to share my creations with everybody without having them paid for! I mean, when I share, I dont require payment... \:\)

hiedibear75Jan 1, 2008

MAXIS drops the constantly.\:P LOL They're infamous for making partial sets and NOWHERE nere enough colors.\:wacko\: Thank goodness there are folks like you and the other creators ro fix MAXIS's blunders.\:P LOL

cinderellimouseDec 31, 2007

cinderellimouseDec 24, 2007

cinderellimouseDec 14, 2007

Hi Nieky! I like how orderly and nicely laid out your campus is! I try to make everything nice and structured but it always goes higgly piggly. I've just downloaded your lot too, I like buildings that are stately and old fashioned too. You clearly have good taste! x \:D \:D \:D

TantraNov 7, 2007

Hi Nieky\:\) Thank you for the lovely message you left in my gb, it's much appreciated\:wub\: I'm really glad you enjoy playing the game with my stuff! Happy simming and have fun!\:rah\:

KikowikoAug 19, 2007

HI thanks for signing my gb! I really like your Atomic tiles!!\:wub\:

AlyoshaJun 11, 2007

Hello! Just dropped by to update you on Black Statue five! Since school have started for me for a week or more already, i do not have as much time as i did to make the story, sooo, production is quite slow... i am still on it, but i promise all of you that i will be able to publish it... i am quite eager to finish my story. So, that is what i promise all of you!

ImmeKJun 6, 2007

Hi Nieky, Thank you so much for your comment on the Arizona sets in my blog \:D I'm sorry it took so long for me to answer, but I totally forgot to check my blog for comments \:o I'm sure there'll be more Arizona sets from me in the future, but right now I'm doing other things since it's difficult to come up with ideas that are equally fun to make as the tulip garden and safari sets \;\) But then I'm away from home (and my computer \:cool\: ) for the next three weeks anyway, so I'll have a lot of time to think up new ideas \:\) . Imme

poohbear7882May 28, 2007

You're very welcome for the comments on your screenshots. It's no trouble at all to let someone know that their work is appreciated. I think more people should comment, but...I at least try to do my part. \:wub\: pooh

WordCobblerMay 12, 2007

I just wanted to say thank you very much for telling me how to break up my profile. \:D I wanted you to get Kudos for helping me out, so I thought I'd sign again. *lol* \:rah\: to you! \:D

sallyhailsMay 12, 2007

Hi again Nieky, Don't worry you're not the only one who has trouble with the fur patches, I don't know enough about it all to do anything fantastic, when I made my dog, luckily for me, I found what I needed to get him looking alomost the same.\:P Anyways the main reason I'm here is to say thanks for your lovely comment on my Squiggle Bedding and thanks for downloading it. Have fun Sally \;\)

sallyhailsMay 11, 2007

Hi Nieky, It's a shame you couldn't make your cat, he's adorable and would've looked great as a sim. I should imagine it was hard trying to make a copy of him as maxis didn't add a very fluffy coat for cats or dogs, I don't know why, could you imagine all the wonderfull fur balls we could of all made if they had just of added a longer coat? Never mind, we do our best with what we've got. Lol\:D Have a great weekend. Sally\:P

WordCobblerMay 10, 2007

You have such a beautiful cat! \:D I'm going to bookmark you, just thought I'd let you know. Can't wait to check out more of your work! \:rah\:

sallyhailsMay 10, 2007

You're welcome, I have quite a few of your atomic walls and floors, much better than maxis ones, thanks for signing my guestbook, you're right about the dog in my screenshot and my own dog sam, they're the same dog, as soon as pets came out I couldn't resist making him, I got him looking as close to the real thing as I could, he's available for download on this site. Love the pics of your cat, he's so cute. Hvae fun Sally\:P \:wub\:

~simelholicMay 6, 2007

Thanks for the lovely comment of my screenshots. \:wub\: \:P I am however not very good at writing stories \:o But I enjoy taking photo's in the game.

hollandgirlApr 24, 2007

haha oke dan, die huizen zagen er zo groot uit ik dacht gelijk dat je in zo'n villawijk woonde \:D maar amsterdam is wel ff wat anders ja \;\) wel leuk om eens een nederlander tegen te komen op deze site \;\)

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