LittleTempest (262180)
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padreJan 22, 2009
Hello Little Tempest! Thank you very much for your kind words! You're a star! The blinds you are asking about are by a creator at a website called 11dots. It is written in the description of the bathroom set (but obviously I need to make it clearer - useless333)! I have just searched for 11Dots' website but the search returned no results. I fear they might have closed. Sorry for this!!
CyclonesueFeb 03, 2007
Hi LittleTempest! I just wanted to thank you for the lovely comment you left in my blog about the Bang-On-A-Can set. There's no greater compliment than someone saying they'll keep their subscription for a set. Anyway, the first set (meshes) is out on 9 February, and there'll be a couple of sets of recolours in the following two weeks. Sue