Majuchan (3008545)
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My Latest Sims 3 Creations (161 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Rizal Reading Nook
Published Nov 30, 2012
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About Me
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On April 2012 I was invited as a Select artist here in TSR. Thank you evryone! ^_^
I think it is time to update my profile. Lately I'm back on my old hobby: reading & collecting books.
A fellow book lover? Follow me on:
I'm fond of modern and antique style at the same time.
From time to time I'll be sharing my creations here at TSR. ^_^ Happy Simming.
My Latest Updates Show All
I'm Back againWritten Oct 29, 2012
First of all I want to thank you guys for supporting my creations by downloading them. I'm glad that you like them. I already reached 500k DL's. Thanks everyone! ^_^ Another thing, I want to apologize for not responding to your comments on my stuffs, my schedule was kinda bizzare for the last few weeks, or is that already a month? so sorry guys. But I'll be back creating now...... ...More
Back from Fever and AllergyWritten Aug 11, 2012
I was sick this week, and recovering... I'll be back creating next week, need some more rest. ...More
Thoughts from GracelingWritten May 14, 2012
I was reading Graceling by Kristin Cashore over the past few days, combining with my other works to be done, but this weekend and just this morning I finished reading the novel. It was good (more than good, I think). I'm thinking of reading the following books ^_^ I Just want to share one of the many things I learned from it. “The only way for you to keep your... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
soize71000Sep 29, 2021
Thank you very much for all your amazing creations
xhaiiDec 23, 2018
Hi Ate Will! Long time no talk ah. I guess we've both been soooo busy with life. Anyways, napadaan lang ako dito sa TSR to download some houses for my sims lol. Playing TS4 now. Merry Christmas in advance!
xhaiiMar 29, 2013
ate will I am back again! Graduate na ku ate kaya di na mxadong busy. Nkakalaro ndn ulet ng sims kaya balik ult aku d2. Saka halos mccmplete ndn kc expansion pack ku ng sims3, had university life yesterday and tomorrow for seasons kaya ngkagana ulet mglaru HAHAHAHAH.. see yah around ^_^