xhaii (3906964)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (35 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Abyss :)
Published Feb 13, 2012
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About Me
Hey there, its me xhaii
I am a 19 year old Bachelor of Science in Nursing student, currently on my third year level at
La Salle University Philippines..
I like music a lot, I play ball games like softball and basketball (yeah I'm kinda of an athlete, I guess xD)..
I usually spend my free time playing computer games esp. The Sims )
Ever since I was 10 years old I was kind of really ADDICTED to SIMS when my cousin introduced to me this game..
I first played the original, the Sims 1 until I bought some of its expansion packs until Sims 2 came..
and up until now Sims 3 came..
my cousin teased me that until now I still play this game, what can i do? I'm hooked into it
I love photography, yup! I'm one of the photographers on my college at school. My extra curricular activities
It may not be obvious but I love outdoors esp. trips with my friends..I kinda enjoy more being with friends..
and I can proudly say it loud HERE that " I'M A BISEXUAL"..yeah, you read that right I'm a Bi-fem XD
only my closest friends know who really I am..and well, it adds you(whoever reading this)..HAHAHA..
well, I guess that's all ABOUT ME
thanks for stopping by!
My Latest Updates Show All
Back for Good :]]Written Mar 29, 2013
Yeah.. after 2 long years of not being here, I am back! ^____^ Its so good to be back playing again with TheSims.. since I have been really busy with school.. but now that I already graduated last june 23, 2013. I gained my freedom! I can now play whenever I like.. I missed being with TSR and my friends here.. I miss rating and commenting every creation the artists upload here :) So, I guess... ...More
The Hunter :|Written Dec 24, 2011
I've been through with those dreams, I'm referring to those dreams I have also written here in my blog.. It has stopped hunting me but another hunter came.. Seems like the hunting will never stop.. and its hurting me too much you know.. But this new hunter is really weird though, its a number. Yes just simply a number but mean a lot to US..before, but today it mean a lot just to ME. The... ...More
Incoming 19! :|Written Nov 03, 2011
Here comes 19! Another year of breathing... I was born on November 4, 1992. Yes, that would be tomorrow exactly since here in our place the time is still 9:31 AM. I can say this birthday is the saddest birthday I ever had. Though its not yet nov.4 but whats happening recently in my life is depressing. I had a very tough year. There were happy times but most of it are the not so happy times...... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
MajuchanJan 06, 2017
Hi xhaii!! Kamusta? looong time no talk. sims 3 pa din? Hehe
BlujaeDec 05, 2016
Hi, Xhaii2 I love your work. wishing you and yours a wonderful and happy holidays. Blujae
mlpermalinoSep 02, 2016
Hello ulit! Thanks for the comment on Rave Royale. Sana maenjoy mo gamitin sa paglaro mo. Have a great day, ingat parati ^^