MasterCrimson 19 (2349985)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

The Envisioned Dreams Dining Chair
Published Jan 8, 2010
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (128 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
Hi guys, I am Mastercrimson19, I am a Virgo born in the year of the monkey (9/4/1980) at the current age of 32, Male with raven dark hair and light brown eyes, and 5 foot 11 1/2 inches tall. Also, my family line is of noble Scottish royalty, (or at least my Grandmother said so!) and my clan is that of the MacNeil Corey of the Isle of Barra. For more info visit I used to play the original Maxis games like Sim City, Sim City 2000 and I still play Sim City 3000! My favorite thing to do at home is play my keyboard and shop online, and on the piano I have this musical theme I started in the late 90's called Envisioned Dreams, and it's basically my own unique contemporary alternative love music.
As for my personality, I am crazy!
P.S. I'd like to start a hacking at objects, so maybe you guys would like to join me (and others) at where you can find new objects and bases of items to spice up your colorful cloning with new abilities!
P.P.S. I have made a new addition, go to my houses and download either the Masters Mega Mansion, the Ultimate Sugarbees Mansion, the Pluginmanose Mini Mansion or the Perfect Castle, these zip files may be 20 megabytes or so each, but they have almost every one of my best object.iff items available, and even come with extras, as well as all my custom walls and floor panels! Also, for my Queenstown items, TSR recently approved my "Queenstown Burgers" Downtown lot, so if you have the Hot Date expansion pack, then all of the Queens items will be ready and waiting there if you download and install this brand new Lot #26.
My Guestbook Show All
Celtic 1Sep 05, 2014
Hello MasterCrimson_19, I am very sorry to contact you this way but I have been suspended & can not use my messages. Just a quick do you accept requests & do you use The Sims 3. Please contact me in my Guestbook look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards Celtic 1
MayamelissaMar 21, 2013
I finally was able to get a copy of Sims 1 complete collection and was finding some things to later add to the game. You're items are absolutely beautiful and I amazed at the details.
MasterCrimson 19Sep 15, 2010
mol924, I would but ask for a second of your time to wonder these three things, since when did yours become easier to download, and since when did yours have EVERYTHING, including CUSTOM MADE objects, walls and floors done by yours truly which complement fine REAL artwork, instead of "store bought?" And why is it that a golden mansion as mine can not compare to "perfection" with it's fine set of valentines red/white tulips in the front yard, complete with the same dirt that the original violet ones had, but new coloration?