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Created for: The Sims 3
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
The Sweet Hazel Grace is now a sim!
You guys need to check the notes. It's REALLY important..
Hazel comes without ANY cc (Custom Content)! So You need to add the cc yourself as I listed All the links in the notes.
So if you want Hazel EXACTLY as she looks in the pictures you need to install the listed cc in the notes..
-Made by Mayar Yosuf TSR
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1296086
ItemID: 1296086
Filesize: 749 KB
Kindly Read everything!
You only need the base game.
No slider used.
No skintone used.
NO EPs installed!
NO SPs installed
Gamepatch is fully updated.
Hazel comes without ANY cc (Custom Content)! So You need to add the cc yourself as I listed All the links in the notes.
So if you want Hazel EXACTLY as she looks in the pictures you need to install the listed cc in the notes.. (scroll down)..
CC Used in the pictures:
Blue Dress:
Special Thanks to all TSR Artists for the amazing creations !
This sim is made by Mayar Yosuf, so please DO NOT re-upload or claim as your own. Please DO NOT modify and upload again! Thanks!
Credits: To All the wonderful artists who made the CC's in this creation
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: