MeganLaVey (2028858)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (116 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Neutra Dorms
Published Aug 18, 2009
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About Me
Hello guys! I'm Megan, and I've been very very busy with school. I have not had much time to even play the Sims let alone create anything! I'm a pre-med student at my local university and am loving it. Hopefully I will have some more things up soon!
My Latest Updates Show All
Long Time No PostWritten May 10, 2009
Yes I am still here and alive, just very busy with school and the mentoring program that I work with. I am working on a few new wallpapers and clothes, plus a story. Love you guys! ...More
About The Legacy and Other Stories That I Was Writing...Written Feb 01, 2009
Sadly, I am not able to keep on writing both my Legacy and the Orphanage story because that hood went corupt and i had to delete it in order to save the rest of my game. Thank you to all of you that read and commented my stories. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
gameliaMay 25, 2009
Hi Megan! Thanks for commenting on my Story "Gnome Basil." I really enjoyed making it. Happy Simming! And have a great day! gamelia
agapi rDec 31, 2008
Thank you for your comment on my screenshot
Happy new year
PenelopeTDec 31, 2008
Thanks for commenting on my 'Haunted Shower' screenshot. I thought it was just funny. Since I've taken that pic, the same thing happened to a different shower in the same house.