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Created for: The Sims 3
Your simmies are always looking for something oriental and fashion but never find what they want? I have what you have always wanted! A sexy and simple clothing for your simmies!! I hope you like it^^
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1212774
ItemID: 1212774
Revision: 2 (updated Aug 20, 2013)
Filesize: 2 MB
- created with TSRW
- recolorable (2 channels, belt not recolorable)
- thank you so much Allaboutstyle who accepted I use her meshes! -> http://all-about-style.com/
- launcher thumbnail
- thank you to all cc Creators for the model
Credits: AllaboutStyle, asos
- Type : Outfits
- Style : Everyday, Formal
- Age : Young Adult, Adult
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