Mgc92 (3128773)
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keilorrJun 07, 2010
Hiya again, yes its becomes quite easy when you have made a few sets, there is a tutorial on the homepage under 'tutorials'
Give it a go, you will like it.
keilorrJun 05, 2010
Hiya there... I thank you for commenting on the Gothic painting set but I must explain to you that the artwork is not of my own hand but from a very talented artist by the name of Anne Stokes, as credited to in the picture set description. What most creators do on here is to take a picture and then with the use of a TSR SOFTWARE PROGRAM, enable the picture to be placed in the Sims game as a painting. If I should come accross such a painting, I will make it into a painting for the Sims for you and your Sims to enjoy. Thank you for commenting on the paintings!..Have a nice weekend and happy Simming!!