Michaella (91306)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (5 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Desert Oasis Dormitory - Enjoy!
Published Apr 15, 2009
About Me
I have been playing the sims since 2002 and have all of the Sims1 games. I helped beta test the sims online, which is now kaput, so sad. And now I am working on getting all the Sims2 games, but I'm not there yet. I am disabled and have an old computer, the one I bought in 2002 for the TSO beta, in fact. When I am finally able to get a new one, I hope to create more. For now, all I do is simple houses and dorms. University is my favorite expansion!!
I actually do create in my own game all the time - I love to redecorate. But uploading those houses isn't an option since I primarily use other peoples wonderful custom content. I may start uploading some pics of those home makeovers so you can see what I do.
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openhousejackOct 12, 2011
the mesh for the AM duck Boots outfit is already up on my feature items it is item ID# 1109205 ;please download it if you want thanks
openhousejackOct 11, 2011
this is the item ID #1098547 of the hippie mesh , you can download it if you want, the duck boots mesh i already uploaded and will be published soon on Wednesday look for it on my Sims2 featured items.
openhousejackOct 10, 2011
if you could give me the item # i think it's better thanks