Millie1999118 (3633474)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Romantique Willows
Published Sep 11, 2014
About Me
Hi, I'm Millie! I'm an absolute Sims addict and really love building houses and have done for years, ever since I was around 8 or 9. To this day I have never lost my obsession over the game.
My Latest Updates Show All
Blog Post #2Written Sep 17, 2014
Hi there my lovelies!, It's been a while since I have uploaded my first creation and it still surprises me that I have received so many wonderful comments! It really makes my Simming experience even more rewarding knowing that I can create something worthwhile for others and not just myself!! I have almost finished my second week back at school and I'm loving it! I, being a... ...More
New Beginnings!Written Sep 05, 2014
Hi to anybody viewing my profile..(That is a crazy thing to type!), So, I have recently published my first creation on to TSR after a few years of downloading other people's creations and I am thrilled! I have recieved some lovely comments and over 30 downloads which is surreal! I have never shown anybody my lots before and to get so many people downloading my amateaur creation... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
lillkaJan 07, 2014
Hello! Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. Have a nice week! ((Hugs))
matomibotakiApr 06, 2012
FirstChoise - glade you liked my house and leaved a nice comment for me!!! Thank you
You asked me for the roofs, but I realy don´t know if they work without all packs!Have a Happy Easter!!!
matomibotakiApr 06, 2012
HazeOfRoses - thank you for your kind comment on my paintings, glade you like them!!