MrandMrsSims (3589311)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (10 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Megan Fox
Published Jul 13, 2011
About Me
Welcome to Mr & Mrs Sims,
My sims = No Required sliders. Then I hope you enjoy my work and thank you for visiting !
Policy :
- If you use my sims, please put a link-back to my TSR.
- Don’t claim my creations as your own.
- Don't modify my creations and re-upload.
- Don’t put my works on pay sites and similiar.
Thanks !
My Guestbook Show All
Quis_determinedJan 23, 2019
Love your Rihanna but I have a task as well as a request. Can you possibly so Kanye west? I have a Kim k but no Ye. The ones that is already out kind of suck but with your spin on it I know it will look heavenly
angie83May 27, 2018
Hello. I have a question. Could you help me? Would you create a Sim for Sims 4 for me? Am there unfortunately very bad inside. I would like to have actor Sam Claflin in my play. I would have photos. About help, i would be very grateful and would be very happy.
kikiiversonMar 02, 2018
your sims are very beautiful. I wish mine were extremely beautiful as yours ^ ^