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Created for: The Sims 3
This house is inspired by the house me and my significant other lives in. The name of my S.O is Sebastiaan - couldn't come up with a more fitting name to the house I created. Both are warm, cozy and makes you feel at home!
The open-living space is a replica of mentioned house, while other rooms differ a little bit from reality. Everything is furnished as closely to the original as I could do.
- One bedroom.
- One bathroom.
- Yard.
- Open living plan.
- TSRAA items from amazing creators helped create this house.
- No stuff packs.
Short URL:
ItemID: 1282436
Filesize: 50 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.
TSRAA items from lovely creators helped me create this house, please direct credit to them instead of me. They just allow me to use their beautiful creations. NO STUFF PACKS!
- Price Unfurnished: 16202
- Price Furnished: 38224
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 1
- Stories: 1
- Lot Size (z): 15
Expansion packs: World adventures,Ambitions,Late Night,Generations,Pets,Showtime,Supernatural,Seasons,University,Island Paradise,Into the Future
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