NessaNarmolanya (7698775)
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sharon337Sep 06, 2022
Hi, Thank you so much for your lovely comment. So pleased you like my toilet door recolour. So sorry for the late reply.
SIMcredible!Sep 09, 2020
Hello Nessa!
Thank you for your sweet comment regarding our spinning mobiles
As we always say to our downloaders, we are designers, not modders. Which means we are able to change the objects look, visual and design. However, we don't add or remove new features to an object. We needed a base from game to clone and, on the mobiles case, it was the ceiling fan. The speed is EA's spin rate and we don't know how to change it. Maybe it is something easy but we don't do this to avoid breaking objects in future game updates. We use to let the base intact to avoid game crashes and just change its look. It is working so far (creating to the sims for 17 years since the original game )
Hope you understand it (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)
Stay safe and happy simming
NynaeveDesignNov 06, 2019
Sorry, I made that set 5 years ago, I don't remember what objects I used to decorate.