NewSimSimGirl (632252)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (431 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Jan 9, 2007
About Me
Hi! I'm Sera!
I'm a 24 yr old, mother of 3, two girls and a boy.
Thankfully I have The Sims to keep me sane!
I am addicted to making meshes now, movies and stuff have been put on hold as I keep decideing there is new things that my Sims want or need!
I do enjoy a stop in the house and building forum , though, and joining some of the contests there. They are fun and everyone is so creative, I love it!
My Guestbook Show All
jimmiejayAug 06, 2012
Thank U so much for your grocery store stuff. i really needed it.
creamkissesAug 09, 2009
Thankyou for all your contribution to my sims world! Love your work! keep it up! xxx The camping set was amazing! xxx
charrayJan 31, 2009
I love your creations You did an awesome job on them. Thanks for sharing