PeachKrysie (1932813)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (386 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Delease-Beach RC
Published Aug 4, 2009
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About Me
i currently live in j-ville. i love love love simming. I am addicted to recoloring clothes. I cannot mesh myself and have so much respect for those who do.(jealous ) I hope you all will enjoy my work and i always love to hear what you think of my recolors.
I am always up to a challenge. I love any project that takes me hours to do. I know what you're thinking and yes I'm crazy but in a good way.
I am huge gamer. I have a Wii,Playstation 2,Original Nintendo,Xbox 360(gamertag-KrysiePeachness),and Nintendo DS. And loads of comp games.
I am also pagan wiccans. I am a Major Juggaletee! MMFWCL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am many things and am very open minded to anything.
I cannot wait for the new Sims 3 Ep to come out. I am very excited about having my sims go to Egypt especially.
Well now that I have rambled on about me..feel free to sign my gb and look around and deff check out my dl's.
My Latest Updates Show All
ChallengeWritten Jul 31, 2009
I need a challenge! I think I'm having a block or something cause I just can't think of anything to do. So I'm taking requests for clothing. Objects I can so as long as it's just a recolor of something ( cannot mesh :( ). so somebody please! Tell me what you want or shoot me a pic of something you want and i'll do it. love you guys! -Krysie ...More
Yay!Written Jul 29, 2009
I have reached 120,000 downloads! I just wanted to say thank you to the TSR community for accepting my work and to all the downloaders. I'm so happy you guys have liked my work. There will be so much more to come and I hope you guys love them as well. love always Krysie ...More
Objects againWritten Jun 15, 2009
So since updating my computer to play Sims 3 I haven't gone to play my Sims 2. Today I was bored so I decided to reinstall just the base game. Well it works and now it looks even better with the new video card! I also decided to try SimPe again...prepared for it not to work. IT WORKED!!!!!!! I can now recolor custom meshes!! So I read some tuts and did my first recolor. I decided to do a... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
sara_ashleyDec 23, 2009
my dearest Krysie, i wish for you and your family the best for christmas and a very well happy new year ! enjoy your holidays and many hugs for you !! take care dear !! Sara
DOTOct 04, 2009
Hi hi! Sorry for being so late with this, Thank You! I appreciate the time you took to comment on my tank ruffle dress
Dropsi1986Aug 17, 2009
Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely comment I really appreciate it! ~nina