Phrenologygirl (3188129)
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CyclonesueJun 23, 2010
I've uncovered something similar with my drawbridge (old creation in a castle set that also uses transparency)!!! There is nothing wrong with the drawbridge; no fault whatsoever, but the chains are suddenly displaying in my game like my fence is displaying in your game. Try recolouring the fence mesh ever so slightly. Does that fix it? I recoloured my drawbridge chains twice and they appeared correctly after that. NO idea what that's about, but it might be related to the Ambitions patch possibly because I haven't seen it before.
CyclonesueJun 22, 2010
Delphy's Dashboard tool reports a lot of false entries for Workshop files so I'd advise disregarding it; it's not compatible with WS files at all and we've historically had piles of reports from this. The only cause of lag that we now know of are package files because these are not recognised and handled correctly by the game. This has now changed with Ambitions but packages must be move d to the My Documents folder according to instructions accompanying Ambitions. Packages remaining in the game's internal folders will continue to cause lag though. We can't find any fault with that dratted fence amongst our beta testers (one has a Mac though I don't know the exact spec) so I don't know what I can fix. Would you mind checking the fence with Texture Detail set to HIGH please? If that's fine, then I have a steer on where the problem lies (texturing in low-res). If it's not fine in high either, then the fault is not likely to be the fence itself (though what it might be I cannot even begin to guess). I'm very sorry about this. I hoped to have some answers by now but no-one else can recreate the problem, me included. Sue
CyclonesueJun 05, 2010
I know I haven't heard from you yet, but just an update: I've asked three fellow creators to test the fence in their games (testing patched, unpatched and game-with-Ambitions) - all say it's fine. So the only other possibility is your TEXTURE DETAIL settings. Is that set to LOW by any chance? I would be surprised if this is it because ALL the fences should fail (they all use the same texture), but I am very eager to get to the bottom of this because, if there is anything I can fix, I WILL fix. Hope to hear from you soon. Sue