
35Creations 165,078Downloads

Physia's Guestbook

laylay2Oct 14, 2011

Can yhu poste them percings i been needing them for the longest

xXJessyDropDeadXxOct 1, 2010

your creations are stunning! \:wub\:

Ashlee123May 21, 2010

Im doing great. \:D and also Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! That stinks that u dont make any creations anymore \:\(. You were super good at them, I also downloaded one of your custom contents it looks very nice on my sims thanks for the creations u made.  Hope you have a awesome dayy!!! =D

Ashlee123May 20, 2010

\:eek\: !!!! Heyyyyy lol It's me Ashlee \:D Just wanted to know how your doing and how the creations are. Wow.. Seems like I haven't been on here for years lol anyways have a nice day!!! \:wub\:

maxi kingApr 8, 2010

\:wub\:Hallo!Ich hoffe es geht dir gut!Hab schon lang nichts mehr von dir gehört!Fallst du hier nochmal vorbeischaust kannst du ja Larah3124 mal besuchen,Deutsch,braucht Kudos!Wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!Bis denne!\:wub\:

DoooomApr 7, 2010

Just read your GB-note and all I have to say to it is that whenever you are planning to restart making stuff for TS2, I'll be here to help you out with anything you want, all you have to do is send me a message on TSR. And if that moment never comes: good luck on whatever you're going to do or are going to do! Oh, side note: I heard that making things for TS3 is hard as hell... Doooom

DoooomApr 4, 2010

Hi! Thanks again for the Guestbook visit! I've been to Crimsyn before and got some objects from it. Don't really like most of the clothes (I'm more into cybergoth), so I've actually some clothes of my own. Concerning your reinstall, I can help you out, but only if that is really what you want (seeing you've been working on IMVU stuff). One more thing: HAPPY EASTER! Doooom (PS: XP rules)

DoooomApr 3, 2010

Thanks for your guestbook visit!!Why is it you can't play The Sims 2 on your computer? If it's because you have windows 7 or Mac, there's still a way to run TS2. I've heard that there's some kind of compability mode on 7 to use older programs (or games) like TS2 on your computer and otherwise, there's always virtualization available (PM me for more info if you wish) And concerning your style, yours really stands out among many other gothic-bodyshoppers. Your creations have more details and contain the perfect colors for gothic Sims! My main female Sim is wearing the brown&blue hair and the Avec Tips Blanc nails now. Next to that, I've also got some of your make-up and the collar from your profile picture (not yours, but I found it thanks to one of your comments). As I said before, it's really a shame you can't create more masterpieces ;-) Doooom

DoooomMar 30, 2010

Just found out about your deinstall, very unfortunate.I really like your creations but it's a pity there won't be anything new from you anytime soon. Hope you'll be back soon! Doooom

ViolettSeptemberFeb 20, 2010

Das ist ja scheiße!!du arme..\:\(

DriedBloodFeb 18, 2010

Als Revanche für deinen Eintrag in meinem Gästebuch bekommst du auch einen\:P Viele Grüße.. DriedBlood

maxi kingFeb 5, 2010

\:wub\:Hallöchen!Wollte mal wieder rein schauen!Wie geht es dir?Hoffendlich gut!\:DWünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!\:wub\:

ViolettSeptemberJan 31, 2010

Mi auch xD Ich bin auf der Jagd nach Kudos :'D

ViolettSeptemberJan 30, 2010

Hi Yassi \:wub\: wie gehts so xD ?

maxi kingJan 11, 2010

\:wub\:Hallo,hoffe bei dir ist alles supie!Hab nen schönen Tag!\:wub\:

ViolettSeptemberJan 10, 2010

Hey! Danke für dein Kommentar \:wub\:

ViolettSeptemberJan 7, 2010

Ja Schuhe die sidn echt schlimm zu machen *o* Naja das Outfit ist immer noch im pending(-.-)" ich hoffe es kommt durch xD,lg.

ViolettSeptemberJan 6, 2010

Ja, hat aber voll spaß gemacht das Outfit zu machen kannst ja mal in der fortgeschrittenen gruppe schaun die jeans habe ich ganz selber gemacht deswegn so lange udn die schuhe waren auch voll schwer \:D,lg

ViolettSeptemberJan 5, 2010

ne die alten waren für den müll hab schon ein neues outfit hab dafür 6 stunden gebraucht und einen sim den ich hochlad, lg \:D

ViolettSeptemberJan 5, 2010

Ja und neue Creations machen *puh* xD,lg

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