Pinelle (1225998)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (79 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Kellie FlipFlop Collection
Published May 16, 2007
About Me
Hi Well, whats to say? Lots, of course, but to narrow it all down: I'm much more into designing clothes then I am playing the actual game. It's a shame though. I love haute couture, but my sims2 designs always turn out more everyday-like for some reason In 'real life' im a student at Copenhagen University, majoring in history - and.. check out my creations
My Guestbook Show All
charrayAug 12, 2009
Your creations are very nice Thanks so much for sharing them. Great job!
LeaPigenJun 24, 2007
Hejsa - og takker
Har dog ikke været så meget på da jeg synes det kostede for meget i forhold til hvad jeg fik ud af det
Desværre er jeg ikke helt inde i at lave ting til Sims2... men det kommer vel
simgirl900Jun 02, 2007