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Prettysgi2's Guestbook

cat1999Mar 15, 2015

Well i was a bit sensitive haha but it was a great story

behemoth_blueFeb 14, 2015

And I missed commenting, lol! But seriously, don't you dare doubt yourself, 'cause you really do an amazing job in so many different areas (the screenshots, the poses, the writing). And I have to say that you have that special gift of making those chapters funny, emotional, interesting and most of all smile-inducing but never cheesy or anything, and then I always seem to wonder "how did she do it". Seriously, don't EVER doubt yourself. Also, thanks for asking about my story, I'll try to finish the next chapter as soon as possible, but most importantly, I'll definitely be on the lookout for more stories from you. Have a great day!

NisukiFeb 4, 2015

Hey sillie ~ hehe, I know right? You like them don't ye? XD hehehe joke joke, but yes.. I kinda tend to leave long comments on stories... since I had to work on this sim for you, I suppose it would be a smart thing to take a little closer look to your story. + I'm planning on reading all the stories after that... and working on my own again ^o^ but yes... I'm really leaving Endless. I'm not moving from that point anymore. *sulks* Anyways, you're completely right about those british accents, omfg +.+ some always say that it sounds.. too.. "neat"? or yea, I don't really know how to describe it haha... xD Oh believe me, if you've put more of these kind of sentences that would make me laugh hard.... I guess I'll have stomach ache sooner or later... Haha nah, but yes, I truly enjoy it so far ;D more comments are coming your way tho hehe. Hope you're having a lovely day yourself \;\)

wasabichiJan 24, 2015

Silvi~~~! first of all, thank you for reading Secretly from the start to the end. And nu, sorry, I won't make an epilogue. hehe. But you might want to see the CHS interview of Dean and Isha which I will post soon. There might be something there that you might like. ehehehe. Again, thank you for the wub and support from start to end. \:wub\: Have a great day! \:wub\:

katwoman3Jan 19, 2015

Heheh, YES to all of them. I definitely want to test out your poses for 6! I like using Silvia and Shou for that. \;\)

katwoman3Jan 19, 2015

It is too bad about the book pose, but the way you positioned the camera for the screenshots made it look like Seth was actually holding the book. Just goes to show that poses aren't the only things that make a scene look good. \;\) YES! I'll take any poses you are willing to send to me. I know I will have uses for them! *jumps around*

katwoman3Jan 19, 2015

Did you make updates to the poses I tested out? I definitely want those! \;\) Hmm, now I am curious as to why Seth will not let his feelings show for Jamie (assuming he has them which I think he might)...very interesting!

wasabichiJan 8, 2015

Silvi~~~! thanks for you know wut. Are you able to sort out your mixed feelings now? hihi. And if you want to be spoiled with what's gonna happen, you can check the prologue again. It's the teaser of the ending after all. mehehehe. \:\) \:wub\:

sweetwilightJan 3, 2015

Hello dear, thank you for having time in reading my previous story

WinterjusticeJan 1, 2015

That's alright, dear! I get the whole being too busy to do much. I'm in that situation. Have a Happy New Year, girl!

wasabichiDec 27, 2014

hahaha! my story. it's kinda... weird. tho it really is my story... but it's still kinda weird saying that it's MY story. HAHAHA! that happened 4 years ago, I guess. (turning point is 2 years ago, tho). Of course, not all the events there happened. But there were some like: the Tristan stuff, the Luke leaving stuff, the convo under the stars, the coma, etc. etc. hihihihihihi. \:\)

WinterjusticeDec 26, 2014

Thanks for the comment on my story! I knew your name looked familiar when I clicked your name to stalk your profile. You are the girl who wrote Yours! The story I find myself following! Can't wait for another update, my friend.

wasabichiDec 26, 2014

Sil~~~~vi!!! first and foremost, thank you for you know wut. and, did I scare you or something? hihihi. actually, the coma part DID happen in the real deal and hell yeah, it was tough for real Isha (who's actually real Chi... yep, that's the real Chi's role alright). hihihi. Hope you're having an awesome day \:\)

Bby-LDec 26, 2014

Hahahahah~ He asked me to say thanks to you.. hohohho \:wub\:

wasabichiDec 26, 2014

Sil~~~~~~~~~~~vi!!!! \:wub\: thanks for you know wut! Hoping you had a great Christmas and an awesomesauce kinda day ahead. \:\)

s2702913Dec 17, 2014

thanks for your comment, it made me laugh when you said you didn't care that natalie was sick \:D

wasabichiDec 17, 2014

Silvi~~~!!! Hey! Thanks for you know wut, btw. hihihi. Yes, I know, you need to keep your mouth zipped as for the moment. But I'm sooooo excited to know how he falls in love with her. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!!!! anyway, my day just started. I hope this will be good. I hope you have a great day, too! \:\)

belenhoranDec 9, 2014

Muchas Gracias por la info,,, ♥

wasabichiDec 9, 2014

hello, Silvia! thanks for you know wut! hihihi. and nuuuu... i'm not mean. lol. Fate was mean. the fact that this happened in the real deal made me want to flip tables while I was writing this. HAHAHA! anyway, ooooh! too early to say that! we still have 7 chapters! who knows? maybe Isha will see Dean and Karen on a date, or kissing? hahahaha! I hope you have a great day! \:wub\:

belenhoranDec 7, 2014

Noo de nada jaja contesté muy tarde,una pregunta...¿Qué página me recomendás para descargarme pelos/cabellos para hombre? Porque veo muchas fotos de tus historías que los hombres que creas tienen buenos pelos,pero no encuentro ninguna página,si me contestarías te agradecería mucho..Besos!!

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