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Prettysgi2's Guestbook

xLyennerdOct 13, 2014

Hi hi! Thank you so much for your comment on Determined. I just gotta say that I looove your stories and I can't wait for all your next chapters. Your sims look lovely \:\)

s2702913Oct 13, 2014

Thanks for the comment \:D glad you like Allie coz she aint going anywhere \;\) and she's going to cause a lot of trouble haha.

jumpgirl_64Oct 6, 2014

Last Question- How do you like my story so far?

jumpgirl_64Oct 6, 2014

conversation topic, just a thought, lets start over. You prefer coke or pepsi?

jumpgirl_64Oct 6, 2014

I have a question for you Prettysgi! This is kind of silly but, would you rather be blind or deaf?

keelyrae900Oct 4, 2014

love you new book will you read mine its called the night before i am not completed but almost bye\:rah\:

xLyennerdOct 2, 2014

Hehehe.. we'll see.. better be looking out for the fish though! I'll be waiting for the new chapters. And thank you for leaving a comment on Determined. Have a nice day! \:\)

White OwlOct 1, 2014

I didn't say I don't like it, you misunderstood me)) I just had a feeling like it's similar to My Other Half, but I do like both stories \:\)

behemoth_blueOct 1, 2014

Hihi, thank you! And I'm still holding that fish close by, just so you know \:\)

jumpgirl_64Oct 1, 2014

I was only kidding about the fish part! You're a great writer, take your time! We'll LOVE what drama you got for us! So Happy Simming!

NisukiOct 1, 2014

I know right? My comments are missed on many, many, too many stories ... L O L . Damn it, I'm at page 3 from the stories.... Help.. Oh well, I guess, enough reading fun for me? I get to reading again today, after being done with something... I'll be publishing 4 sims today.. ssst, don't tell anyone xD... nah, but....... HOHOHOHO, I'm so happy *-* ... you'll see later today, why.. hehehe. \;\)\:wub\:

du12bakSep 30, 2014

I really like your stories !! and thank you for the comment in my guestbook ! continue write more nice stories ! Have a nice Day \:D !

xLyennerdSep 28, 2014

Hi hi! Thank you for your comment on Determined. Aha, break up their relationship? Hmm.. just wait! Have a nice day! \:\)

behemoth_blueSep 25, 2014

Hihi, OK, Sil. What does Sgi stand for? Well, I submitted my second chapter today, so I guess we'll see if it still takes long to publish it. Btw. my name is Marija, although I kinda liked it when you called me Blue \:\) I just really like the colour and the word, which is not hard to guess considering my nickname, my profile banner AND the front page of my story \:\) Also, just the other day I joined tumblr (I'm still such a noob there, I don't yet actually DO anything on tumblr) and I'm your follower there as bluemisirlou. Again, blue... (when I joined, the site requested that I follow at least three people, so I found some of you guys from TSR, I hope that's OK \:\), maybe one day I'll actually actively participate there).

s2702913Sep 25, 2014

Thanks for the comment \:D yeah she has a crush on's pretty innocent though, just because he is the only guy who has ever been nice to her. Also as for this other version of Natalie she is sort of like an alter ego. Anyway I had planned to do screenshots for the next chapter today but my computer stuffed up \:eek\: really hope there is an easy fix or else .... \:rolleyes:

behemoth_blueSep 24, 2014

Hihi, thank you, Sgi! \:\) It really means a lot. Chapter 2 is almost finished so I'll probably upload it tomorrow, I just don't know how long it will take them to publish it. Hope not too long \:\) And I hope you post My other half soon \:\)

xLyennerdSep 14, 2014

Hi hi! Thank you for your comment on Determined. Have a nice day! \:\)

katwoman3Sep 13, 2014

*facepalms* I forgot you were making an epilogue, lol. I'm forgetful! \:\( Anyway, if you're making Will older and he's got Katy with him...that's all I want to see. \;\)

katwoman3Sep 12, 2014

Haha, don't be sorry! It helped make me who I am today, so I don't regret it happening even though it stung at the time. \;\) It's a good writer who can consider both sides and use personal experience to shape the story! Can't wait to see where you will take these characters. \:D Will you ever write a story about Will? He is such a cutie that you should age him up and give him a story, too. *nudges* Oh yeah, I forgot her name was Katy, lol!

behemoth_blueSep 12, 2014

OK, ignore my last question, I think I managed to upload it this time. \:\) I guess now I just have to wait and see if it gets approved.

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