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RIDance's Guestbook

samcactus101Sep 25, 2023

Hey RIDance, was wondering if you still use TSR. Do you remember posting your story, Oasis Island here? I miss that story so much and have been hoping you’d continue the story. \:D

mini me3393Jul 19, 2012

Wow, I can't believe it's been two years since I've talked to you, and even longer since I've read Oasis Island. It literally feels like just a few months ago that I would check every single day for a new update, and they always seemed to conveniently come on days when I was having a bad day, instantly fixing everything and putting me in a good mood. I hope that everything has been going well for you and your family. Not sure if you'll ever even see this in the near future, but I just thought it would be nice to contact you. \:\)

Foxy8609Nov 29, 2010

Wow baby #3?? Congrats! No wonder you havnt written anything new in a long time. Your story is really great and I hope you dont give up on it. Take care of yourself and those little ones!

samcactus101Nov 5, 2010

Hey Rach, I suddenly just thought of Oasis Island and how much I miss reading it haha \:wub\: Its been a year! OMG i havent stepped into TSR for so long! Came here and found out you're pregnant with baby #3, Congrats \:rah\:

mini me3393Aug 7, 2010

Aww, congratulations on baby #3! \:D That's so exciting. Things have been going well with me as well. In just two weeks I'm leaving for my first year of college. It's so nerve-wracking, but I finally feel ready for it. I'll still be around when you return to writing, but I know that you're understandably busy. :P

mini me3393Jun 9, 2010

Wow...it's been over a year since I've talked to you? Where does the time go!? I hope that everything is going well with you and your family. I still look for a new Oasis Island update every so often. \:P I hope I hear from you soon! ^^

samcactus101Nov 10, 2009

Hey Rach, thanks for the invite. I just joined your site. Oasis Island and Reign are my 2 most fave Sims 2 stories... eventhough they're both not finished. Hope to read more soon now that my exams are finally over!

KayleenaGNov 4, 2009

Well, as soon as you sign on, you sign off. \:P So I don't even get a chance to message you. And I've actually seen Sims 2 stories in movie form. But yes, I've seen a lot of stories off site that have more mature content. Not anything bad, but harsh language and violent fights and such, lol. We could probably put together a layout, or do a blog. But if you're serious about it, I am too!! \:D

KayleenaGOct 29, 2009

Omg! I'm so sorry! I'm actually going to rewrite Reign. But I'm going to do it on a different site. Since the PG13 rules here have changed so much. Murder is no longer allowed, and well, I would have to rewrite all my chapters from here on out. \:\( I have uploaded a couple more since you've been gone. I believe only chapter 13 a and b. But right now I'm working on making an entirely new neighborhood and just rewriting the entire story. I hate the first couple of chapters. Haha! We should make a site together! Have you gotten the Sims 3 yet? I like it, but I don't think I'll be making any stories with it. I like the game play and graphics the most. But for stories... all the characters would look the same. I'm having the hardest time editing faces and making sims in that game. Check my latest screen shots! I made a new hottie sim about a month ago. \:D I've been asked if he's available for download, but I'm not sure if I'll release him to the public. lol. How have you been? It's been AGES since I talked to you last! Do you ever get on Yahoo anymore?

samcactus101Oct 25, 2009

Hi! Wondering if you have facebook? If you do, add me. My e-mail: sinisterblack01@yahoo.com

samcactus101Sep 3, 2009

Hey! Its been awhile. Hows things with you? I'm still wondering whether Oasis Island is going to continue or whether you've stopped writing it (I hope not \:D) I miss reading it so much! \:rah\:

KayleenaGJun 8, 2009

Hey!!! \:D How are you!!!?? How has your year been? I have awesome news. No, another part isn't ready. \:\( But the awesome news is that I got the sims back!!! I ended up not playing anymore on my laptop. Then, just about 3 months ago I got a new laptop, and I wasn't able to install the sims on here becuase I didn't have any of my games with me. But FINALLY I got the game back. \:D!! I'm so happy. Bad news though... a lot of my CC is missing. Like it's all in my Downloads folder, but not all of it shows up in my game. \:\( So I think I'm missing a lot of my meshes. So I have to try my best to find all the stuff I have... No way I can remember it all. lol I lost a lot of hair too. So all the characters are getting another make over. Heh. But luckily my neighbordhood I built and everything is still in the game. \:D So I don't have to sit and remake every character all over again. That would have been hell, LOL. Well this is getting long, so I hope your year's gone great and I look forward to hearing from you!!!! \:D

Foxy8609Jun 8, 2009

Hey just stopping by seeing how things are? I miss reading O.I. hope things are well. ttyl

mini me3393Apr 22, 2009

Hey Rach! How's everything going for you? We all miss you here!

vicarious37Apr 5, 2009

Hi Rach, just wanted to stop by and see how you're doing and even though it's April I hope the year has started on the right foot for you. I miss reading Oasis and hope you haven't given up on it. Hope to hear from you soon. ~Ginnie\:\)                    

samcactus101Apr 2, 2009

Rach! gosh i haven't seen my guestbook for over a month! I haven't got the time to talk to anyone here at TSR.\:o Ever since uni started in March, I've been busy being occupied with proejcts, lectures and assignments. Hope everything is well with you.\:\) And its April already, whens OI 11 coming? Its almost a year since the last chapter was published \:eek\: 

S.CainsMar 6, 2009

Hey! Are you still around? Or am I talking to myself right now \:o Haha. Anyway I was just checking up to see how you were! \:D

samcactus101Feb 7, 2009

Hey! Hows the new year coming for you?\:\)

KayleenaGJan 6, 2009

Awwa, congrats!!! Well, my game's acting funny.... I keep getting object errors when I cancel things and when my sims are cooking. Once they take it from the stove to the table I get an object error and have to reset. Which resets my sim. It's annoying. I downloaded and installed the Free Time patch, but it didn't work. Ugh. I'm going to post in the threads for help. See if anyone can help me fix my problem.

DOTDec 23, 2008

.:¨:.~Happy Holidays to you and yours! ~.:¨:.~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World!~.:¨:.

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