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Rabold8's Guestbook

estaticaFeb 2, 2011

Hi Nick! Great to see you back and playing Sims 3 again. I was away also for a long time, so it's always wonderful to find familiar faces after so many months (I think it's been over a year or two?). I'm glad to hear you enjoyed my lots, but I'm also looking forward to see your work, if you ever decide to upload any. \:\) -Ana

IllianaDec 23, 2009

Hi Nick! \:D This holiday season I wish you joy, I wish you happiness, but most of all I wish you love! \:wub\: Miss you much! - Illiana

WarrayfinsonDec 22, 2009

Hiya Rabold! May you have a Merry Christmas, and a happy new years. May your journey's be safe and may you always remember the great memories from this year... \:\) \:P \:D :wub Thank you for all the lots you've made this year, I really like having them in my game! I have a new story out today. \;\) Hope to hear from you soon!! \:D

WarrayfinsonNov 12, 2009

You doing okay? \:\)

IllianaOct 6, 2009

Hi there Nick! Not to worry about being missing for a while. \;\) I've been on vacation for the past few weeks myself and am only NOW getting caught up on a lot of things. LOL! Yes, I actually catch myself playing the game now. *Gasp! Choke! Deny, deny!* So, as you can see, I really CAN understand where you are coming from! However, you simply MUST admit that the landscaping aspects are phenomenal! I must be a little less picky about using the new texture/recolor tool though. *Sigh* It can take me an hour or more just to pick the right patterns/colors for a rug for crimineys sake! Don't even ASK about walls! \:confused\: Anyhoo, I really was glad to see you, and I wanted you to know that I'm just tickled to hear that you're enjoying yourself outside the sims! You keep that up, and stop by for a visit when you can. No pressure...just fun! Love and hugs - Tammy

WarrayfinsonOct 4, 2009

Well, I'm back! Nothing much happened but I had a pretty good time. Look forward to when you do start submitting lots again \;\)

WarrayfinsonSep 25, 2009

Sorry, I just kinda disappeared again didn't I? I finally finished term 3 of school so now I have 2 weeks off for holidays! \:D I haven't gotten the Sims 3 yet but I hope to for Christmas. Any new homes as of late? \:\) \;\)

WarrayfinsonSep 20, 2009

Hey there! How long has it been man?! Hope you're doing okay! \:\)

IllianaAug 7, 2009

Did I tell you?! Did I? Isn't the game fantastic?! \:wub\: \:D \:rah\: LOL! I was wondering what happened to you, and now I know. \:P You played Silver Stone for a week? *Blink, blink* Oh...my...gosh! \:o I am so happy you liked it, and that you liked the stairs as well. Actually, I have a much more complex stair system in my Nostre Sim "On Campus" dorms. THOSE have some serious stairs. \;\) With the building quirks in this game though, we have to be more careful. But I've learned a few tricks since then, (hence the building of Rutherford) and they're much better now. \:D Hope your summer is going well, and that you've been having fun as well! I can't wait to see what you build in TS3! It's a much bigger challenge, but the rewards are remarkable! \:wub\: Thank you, dear friend, for the sweet compliment on the lot. Really! I always love your detail and enthusiastic support. You make it worth building, and even more...worth building well. (((Hugs!))) Your friend - Tammy

Micmac53Jul 21, 2009

You're welcome!  Thank you for thanking me for thanking you lol.  I do appreciate it when people respond, even if it takes a while,  That can happen to anyone!  Have a great week!  ~ Sofi

IllianaJul 19, 2009

Well, as you can see by the long length of time between my replies to you, I have gotten the new game. \:P \:D It's AWESOME! Seriously! Yeah, there's a few builder bugs to work out of it that they had BETTER get done, but come on...full bushes that cover the ground and do NOT need a gardener so you can place them anywhere?! That rocks! No more maxis-mismatch since YOU can choose the tone/tint/pattern of just about everything! And...believe it or not...the GAME part is actually kind of cool! I am a completist in games, so getting ALL the collectable seeds/rocks/whatnot is a lot of fun! Also gardening - The gardening is fantastic! You can grow so many things, and you can pick them up and replant them should you change your mind about it later! Oh yeah...this has kind of taken over my world now as you can see. LOL! I am actually finding it a lot harder to open that TS2 game now. I actually groan when I think about it. \:confused\: How weird is that? Hehehe! Anyway, just wanted to let you know I was alive, but with my longer hours at work, and the new game, I haven't had a lot of time for anything lately. Miss you lots! \:wub\: Love and hugs - Tammy

QuengelJun 27, 2009

Hiya buddy \;\) I have started a poll on my site, if interested \;\) \:\)

WarrayfinsonJun 18, 2009

YAY!! Alice Cooper forever! \:D

IllianaJun 17, 2009

Not yet. \:\( My game is still "in transit". It should get here today or tomorrow...and then people probably won't hear from me again for a week while I experiment and blow stuff up. \:P LOL! I'm going NUTS waiting for this stoooopid game! ARGH! \:D - Tammy

IllianaJun 17, 2009

I'm back! Er...ASAP. \:P ROFL! Missed you! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

WarrayfinsonJun 14, 2009

Oh really? I really like those speical scenes \:\(. Oh well. Anyway, the reviews for it down here say it's pretty good. Wait, looking back on one of your earlier comments, you like Alice Cooper too?!

WarrayfinsonJun 12, 2009

Oops! Sorry about the last sentence, didn't quite finsih it \:o. What I meant was do you have the Sims 3? I haven't got it yet. Hope to hear from you soon! \:D

WarrayfinsonJun 12, 2009

HELLO!!!! *dances!* How you doing?! Man, it's been a month hasn't it?! \:eek\: Yesh, my life has been a rollercoaster with it's ups and downs, mainly downs though. Anyway, I'm back on TSR and lovin' it! \:P So nothing new  ? ou  the ? I haven't...yet \;\).

estaticaMay 16, 2009

Hi Rabold! I've been missing in action again here at TSR, I'm really sorry for not replying sooner. Thank you so much for the lovely message, I hadn't noticed the downloads until you mentioned them! \:confused\: I hope everything is well on your side of the world. Sims 3 is almost out, I can't wait! \:\)

WarrayfinsonMay 14, 2009

I shall keep you up to date \;\) \:wub\: Nothing new with you though? No new lots? Aythingn on the current lot? \:\)

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