Rainbowted (2457929)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

WonderGirls make-up presents:...
Published Mar 28, 2010
About Me
Haii, I'm Lauren Marie!
15 years old, from Birmingham.
I love the Sims and music and I plan to start my own pop-punk band!
I play piano, guitar and sing.
I'm seriously considering becoming a vegan, as being a vegetarian isn't enough.
Blink 182, All Time Low and You Me At Six, sweeeeet. (LL)
If you wanna know more, don't be afraid to ask :] but, warning: I'm veeeery shy. D:
Sorry, but, for now my picture quality for uploads will be cr@p! But I'll improve them
anyway I can when I figure out how �_� comments on my things = love!
My Latest Updates Show All
Make-up coming soon!Written Mar 26, 2010
Okay, well am dead happy because my first product in my make-up range, 'WonderGirls' has been accepted! ^-^ It has been posted and I'd like if you guys' could leave me feedback, because you're all awesome <3 plus I neeeeeed feedback so I know what I've done wrong and done good. So, yeah <3 you guys are angels (: Now, to upload my new Tunic Tops I just... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
da_sweet_alexApr 01, 2010
Thanks for your comment .. Nice that you like my creations Have a nice day xo
apemassieDec 19, 2009
okay I'm pale too. and I dont care if someone gets offended by my "goth" makeup. If your offended by somthing on sims then you got other issues to deal with.
PhysiaDec 01, 2009
np wish u a nice week xxx yassi