My Latest Sims 2 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Mar 2, 2007
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
About me... Hmm, what can I say? I'm a 12 years old girl addicted to The Sims 2. I love to create custom content but I don't upload much because I'm a bit lazy. I'm very interested in design and architecture. I love to make skins but it's difficult for me because I just have MS Paint and Gimp and it isn't easy making in Gimp. Hmm... I love to take screenshots, I love cats and I love black.
My dreams are to become a Featured Artist, get 15000 Kudos, get a subscription SOON and that's it.
Thank you for reading =)
My Guestbook Show All
annefranzenApr 13, 2007
well hi there the rejected one --- thanks for your comment on my creations! --- It was like last autum but sincerely this is the fisrt time I have a chance to answer all the messages I´m recieving at the moment! I suppose this have something to do with my wireliess internet connnection or otherwise i`m like paying for nothing... --- anne
fallen_simangelMar 03, 2007
Hey, today I saw your nice comments at my screenshot you leaved there!^^ Well, so I´ll want to thank you - THANK YOU SO MUCH ABOUT ALL YOUR NICE COMMENTS *HUGS*^^ .... okay I hope to hear more from you soon! -greets^^
fallen_simangelFeb 26, 2007
Hey, ohhhh thank you so much about your last gb-entry!^^ and I´m realy looking forwart to see your next creations!^^ I hope you´ll like my coming stuff too?!?^^ hope to see more from you take care -greets