Rhazya (5324540)
About Me
My Sims series background:
The Sims 1: I put who knows how many hours into The Sims. I only lacked House Party, Vacation and Superstar. I wish I knew where the discs were, I wonder if I could even get it running on my computer. I'd like to get the complete collection to replace my single discs but I don't like the pricing I've seen for it. Would love to be graphically talented enough to convert (well remake) my favorite Sims 1 content for The Sims 3.
The Sims 2: I've never played Sims 2. I don't have it for Mac (Though I got the Sims 2 Complete Collection free when Origin was offering it for Windows.)
The Sims 3: Have all the expansion packs and a ridiculous amount of stuff from the store and custom content. This is the one I've played the second most. But nowhere near close to the amount of time I've put into The Sims 1! My current work on this is re-going through content, deciding what custom content/store content to keep, and what format. I also take pictures of houses from the different worlds, to have some floor plans I like, or to decide what houses to save if I don't keep all the worlds.
The Sims 4:
I've never played this one, however I have all but the Vampire game pack. I spend all my time looking at custom content, downloading it, and then taking screenshots of it in CAS and deciding what to keep. I really wish there was a color wheel/pattern like sims 3, it would greatly lower the amount of custom content I need to have!
I desperately wish I could get The Sims 4 Studio to Work! I don't have time and it's too hard to get El Capitan anymore and as far as I know it's not working in Sierra. And Unfortunately when I have it installed on the Windows "side" through Parallel, apparently the studio can't find the files it needs to run no matter how much I point it towards where the files should be on the Mac.
The Sims Social: Played it tons, there is clothing and items I really wish would make it into the Sims games.
The Sims Medieval: Enjoyed the different play style while not liking it's limitations at the same time. Again wish it was easier to port/convert content. Someday I plan on unlocking everything and getting all the achievements.
I spend too much time taking screenshots and inventorying custom custom, and not enough playing. I feel like I have to have everything just so, everything ready before I can really get into playing both The Sims 3 and The Sims 4. It's easy to get lost in the minutia and I need to start playing and instead of inventorying.
My Guestbook Show All
EvilQuinzelJul 09, 2019
Hello! The link for the necklace is in the comment under my cc! Have a great summer!
blamsFeb 20, 2015
Hi! You commented on my child pose pack (thnks for that btw ) and asked a question!
To answer it, the wall came with the base game. It's in the 'rock' wall paper section. Should be on the first lines.
LuxySims3Aug 08, 2014
WOW, eyeliner for men? It's easy, You want that I create it for you?
And thank for your coment (L)