Riverwillows (1059682)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2289 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Harvest Kitchen
Published Oct 7, 2008
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (21 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
After several years I have come back to the Sims 2. Every one of my sets here, those that were at Natural Sims, and also my old site of PaeginSims, are now all cleaned up, and ALL MESHES INCLUDED, at my NEW SITE of Paegin Sims, which you can go to here:
I am also a Resident Designer at SimPearls which is at: http://simpearls.co.uk/simpearls/index.php, AND a Resident Designer at Beckylyn's Sims, which is at: https://beckylynnsims.freeforums.net/. There is different stuff there, so please go check them out!!
All downloads are free, never pay.
Updated August 19, 2020.
My Latest Updates Show All
My New Home!Written May 18, 2009
i now own my own personal download site of PAEGIN SIMS at: https://paeginsims.freeforums.net/ and also am a Guest Artist at Beckylyn's Sims , which is at: https://beckylynnsims.forumotion.com/ I will be uploading new recolors there It's all FREE custom content, and you don't need to register to the forum to download. ...More
Broken LinksWritten Apr 14, 2009
It has come to my attention that a lot of my sets have broken links. I am very sorry about this, this is due to one of the sites I got a lot of meshes from revamping their site and changing where things are. I have several requests already in to TSR to release those sets so I can change the links, but so far, I am not getting any response. So, my friends, until I can fix the links, if you... ...More
Didja miss me? lol...Written Mar 24, 2009
Oh, wow. What a nightmare, lol. Moved from California, to Arizona, left most of my sims and design stuff in storage...just now got settled, and found my stuff again. So, after about 6 months, I finally am able to start submitting again. I just now waiting on two uploads to be approved, a cautious attempt to undo the rust on my graphics chops, lol, called "Spring Leather Living", and a... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
hiedibear75Dec 13, 2010
Wow that's really something coming from such an established arteest. I'm pretty sure I'm WheelieSim OR WheelieBear or something like that.....it's been a lil while. I'm glad to see you're still hangin around. Soooo many people went from TS2 to TS3 & didn't look back. Glad you like my Gingerbread papers. I was hoping they'd make some nice kitchens or something. I'll have to make my way on back over there & see what's been brewing. If I don't figure out my screen-name & junk to say hiya over THERE.....happy Holidays.
theangeliquemonteDec 11, 2010
Hello River.Personally I dont get how you think of my models as narrow.Did you try having pc with 16:9 monitor and yet then try to make it good for not either 4:3 or 16:9 picture...Recently I started using PrtScn buttom to make picture not blurry as some people complained.What I got?Right,another complaint.Maybe you should do previews yourself for me so models will sure look great?Seeems like some ppl think of me as a noob when it comes to previews.They may look narrow at 4;3 monitor but everything is fine at 16:9 monitor..But everything looks narrow at 4:3 monitor especially after using 16:9 monitor for 2 years
So I dont get should i take previews of items when there are always dissapointed users
MaxiboyApr 09, 2010
Hello, my name is Max. I noticed your beautiful vintage radio, and wanted to tell you that i have that exact radio in my home! I was wondering if you could possibly clone it for the sims 3 (if you have it) or make a similar object. Thanks, MAx