Roboty (967643)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (412 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Butter Cup
Published Oct 10, 2007
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About Me
Hello my name here at TSR is Roboty and I love making objects and houses for the Sims 2. I started off by making houses for the game. Then I made walls and floors. After that I wanted to have a wider variety so now I am recoloring objects until I know how to make my own meshes. If you wanna help me with that you can PM, Thanks.
My Latest Updates Show All
I'm Still Here LolWritten Jun 28, 2008
Hey, I still check on my TSR account but I think I had enough Sims 2 I still play it sometimes but I am now working on other things like producing music is where my music is at so please check it out and keep downloading and commenting my stuff I can't forget about this place (TSR) I am looking forward to Sims 3 though so I will prolly make stuff for that and maybe... ...More
Sorry for the largest delay known on TSRWritten Apr 08, 2008
sorry for the big delay but some reason I am having problems with the homecrafter on my computer, I am trying to figure it all out. ...More
Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!Written Dec 24, 2007
Hello, I just wanted to tell everyone that I hope they have a happy holiday and a happy new year! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayJan 03, 2009
Just wanted to say great job on your creations Thanks for sharing them Happy New Year
cptnemo6Jul 16, 2008
Always great work!!!
KrynneFeb 02, 2008
No problem about pointing the item out... always glad to assist! Great job on all the items you make - I wish I was so talented