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Rosaleena's Guestbook

spitzmagicAug 13, 2010

(((Rosaleena)))) I sure have missed you and your stories....thanks bunches and bunches for reading and commeting on Adelien. I sure was surprised by it's feature....have a great weekend  \:wub\:

fredbrennyAug 12, 2010

Sorry Rosie... for screenshot 26 \:o Thanks for your great comment on Azra's story though \:D

martoeleAug 11, 2010

Yes Rosie, it's true. There are not many people commenting the stories. It's really a pitty. We are always about the same people commenting our mutual stories. Illandrya has created a forum for storywriters where we can exchange ideas, help each other and put links to our stories we've published elsewhere. It's a nice forum and has been started something more than a week ago. If you want to join us, I can send you the link. So tell me if you're interested! Hugs ~ Margo. \:\)

fredbrennyAug 11, 2010

I had a crush on William Shatner (Kirk in his early days) when I was 14. After that I kind of lost interest in Star Trek, but I did see the last Star Trek Movie about the youn Jim Kirk and Spock, that was cool!\:cool\:

martoeleAug 11, 2010

Hi Rosie! I'm pleased to hear that your computer problems are over. On the other hand, I do not ask you to put more stories here at TSR but I would only appreciate if you finish them. \:\)  I myself have something private as well that I don't want to upload here. That's quite normal. \:D

martoeleAug 11, 2010

I do hope that your actual story has been written completely. Looking now at your minisite, I noticed that Violin has not been published and your last story hasn't been finished either. A pity because it seemed such a great story, like the other that you didn't finish either. Gosh Rosie.... \:\)

martoeleAug 11, 2010

Sorry for the bug hug \:o  It must be of course BIG HUG \:D

martoeleAug 11, 2010

Hi Rosie! No, for the moment I don't intend to write. I've just recently finished my last stories and I really need an 'in-between' time. So far, I'm trying to get to all the possibilities in the game. I don't know how it's with you, but when I'm with story-writing, I write and afterwards look for the pics to accompany the storyline. So I will take a nice vacation. \:cool\:  You say that the story you just started has 40 chapters! That's quite a lot... and they are all finished? Fantastic.... no wonder that you didn't have much time to see and comment other stories. When I'm busy on a story, I lack of time as well. \:\)  Hopefully we will see chapter 2 soon. Bug Hug ~ Margo

ohgodcaitlynAug 10, 2010

thank you for your comment on my Prom Night story, I really do appreciate it \:D

FlatterJul 27, 2010

Hi Rosaleena, thank you very much for your lovely comment on my Simstones strip. It was called Simstones as a tribute to the Flintstones indeed, but I do not have any particular cartoon series in mind when I think about a new idea. I like comic strips in general a lot, and that was what gave me the initial idea for a Sims comic strip. But while thinking about funny situations or dialogues for a strip, Janet and Matt start to have a life on its own. I sometimes wonder myself what they are up to next \:\)

IllandryaJul 11, 2010

Hi Rosie!! Thanks for your comment on my story "I'd be good for you".

martoeleJul 1, 2010

Well, for the moment I'm busy trying to finish my two running stories 'The Hunter Twins - Travelling' and 'Tender Loving Care'. These stories have to meet and very soon because I'm expecting my son and granddaughter next week. They come over from the mainland of Spain and I suppose that I will not have so much time to spend on my stories. Of course, I'm working as well. Not every day but often enough... and besides that... my husband is complaining that I don't spend enough time with him. He feels neglected \:\(  So I try to finish my stories soon and perhaps in a month or so will start another one. If we need somebody to create a website, we would be delighted to contact you! \:wub\:  Big hug ~ Margo

martoeleJul 1, 2010

Hi Rosie! Yes I know they don't feel very much for another storypage! They approached me if I wanted to collaborate as a photographer in the magazine but I feel that I'm not good enough for that. While chatting with them I tried to get them interesting to add a section for the comments on storytelling and put every time another storycreator in a spotlight. They seemed interested and they asked how I would do that and if others were interested as well. I told her that fredbrenny would collaborate and I mentioned you as someone who had already thought out how it could look like. They told me to make a headline featuring that part of the magazine but the day after they told me that there was no hurry because it wasn't up to them to decide whether it could be included in the magazine. \:\(  Now I'm pretty sure that they don't like even the storysection they have got right now. I already told Fredbrenny as well "I wonder when they will take the storysection out of their site". She answered that, in that case, we storywriters togther could start a whole new independent website for  our stories. But only if they would really throw the storysection out! I hope that it won't come that far! Have a great summer! \:wub\: ~ Margo

martoeleMar 29, 2010

If I am a fan of space? You mean other galaxies?  Well, if it's a good story... why not?

martoeleMar 29, 2010

Hi Rosie! Thank you very much for your comment on part 2 of 'The Hunter Tragedy'. You know, as a storywriter yourself, that it's very nice to recieve feedbacks. I'm working hard on chapter 3. When are we going to see something from your hand? \:\)

martoeleMar 5, 2010

Hi Rosaleena! Don't worry about that. I myself have to take distance now and again from the sims because I almost forget everything about real life. I will keep an eye out to see if your work will be approved. All the best and have a nice weekend. \:\)

drewsolteszFeb 21, 2010

Thanks so much for commenting on "The Cattle Drive" I have a new story out, 'Oceans of Time II' a sequel to the time travel story I did in September 2009. Hope you can check it out! Cheers~

AbsintheBessFeb 16, 2010

Hey Rosaleena! I just wanted to say a big THANKYOU for checking out my stories and commenting on them. I also wanted to let you know that I wont be around for a little while as I am trying to move to a new place and also starting uni. I am also working on on another sims stories project which I think you will like very much when it is done. I'll still drop back in here every few days to check out comments etc, but nothing new will be uploaded for around a month at least. Mae xoxox \:\)

martoeleFeb 1, 2010

Hi Rosaleena! Thank you for your nice comment. I already thought that you had given up and wasn't reading the stories. You surely are very busy bringing your plans to reality. \:D  When will I be able to read the continuation of your current story? \:\)

fredbrennyJan 10, 2010

Ahhh... Thnaks Rosaleena! Yes... I must admit... I've ben playing the f\ield for the longest time now and j\ules gave birth to 3 Field daughters! Juliette, Cherise and Madeleine. Juliette is in China right now.... She is 10 in Martial arts and a 10 in athleltics. Wow... I am moving her out of the house as she is a young adult now.

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