Santera (4021068)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (19 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Santori's Workout Center
Published Mar 25, 2012
About Me
There is really not too much to say...
I've only had Sims 3 since late August and started into house building in late October. I've been surprised on how well a few of the houses have turned out, I think this is partially due to the fact that I was a Construction Special Inspector for 23 yrs. This along with 12 years in the US Military helped me learn to pay attention to details and re-examine things 2 or 3 times before moving on to the next item (or section of the house). At first I started to use some plans for houses I found on the internet but as these were becoming harder and harder to do - basically because of the interior designs - I have gone back to build what ever happens to come next. I really wish EA had given us more options with the editor like combining the world editor with the town editor, that and or allowing us more options in the town editor to place more lots in more variable sizes and also allowing us the option to open areas to place lots where we want and not lock us out of perfectly good locations.
My Guestbook Show All
TauronaOct 21, 2012
Hey Süßer, ach hier treibst du dich rum ... hab dich
fredbrennyMar 30, 2012
Hey there (((Hugggs))). Thanks for your wonderful comment on the End of the Road Lounge Hope you have a great weekend!