Sara Holt (1630963)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

tombstone of tom
Published Apr 10, 2008
About Me
greeting earthlings tom holt here (my name has to be sara holt because i cant change it!)
heres a bit about me: Im ten my motto is the world is just another of my toy's my life long dream is to be master of the world.(ive already done that) I cheat a lot on sims 2 and 1 (dont we all) and im intrested in big buisness's and evil genuis stuff. I have bon voyage,seasons,pets and open for buisness.let your death be a extremly horrible one goodbye mr bond! wha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!
My Guestbook Show All
Sara HoltFeb 26, 2008
thanks i apreshiate that sue
CyclonesueFeb 26, 2008
Hello Sara - and moreover hello, Sara's son! Yes, absolutely - you can use anything I've created in your screenshots, stories or anything else including any lots you want to submit here too. Sue