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Created for: The Sims 3
This is the ~Two Across~ or ~Two Become One~ Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, which Sora gets after the fight with Roxas. So if you don't have the Final Mix version like me, you can at least have this keyblade for your sims now. =)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1158448
ItemID: 1158448
Filesize: 210 KB
One style included.
Recolorable (3 channels); for teen-elder and both genders.
All rights of Kingdom Hearts are owned by Disney and Square Enix.
Part of my Kingdom Hearts Project. ^^ You'll find updates and infos on it at my blog: http://sarah3120.blogspot.de/
Credits: Shadowth117 for the original Two Across 3D Model
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