Scrawffler (1727110)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (55 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Jul 4, 2007
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I blame my college classmates for my Sims addiction. After hearing their positive comments about the franchise, I just had to try it for myself! I enjoy sharing some of my most outrageous Sims screenshots with the community, and browsing the screenshot gallery to see what everyone else has been up to! I don't do much uploading these days myself but I'm still around, downloading your amazing custom content and mods and playing my Sims games exactly the way I choose to.
I'm a cockney Brit who has to attempt to speak more proper like at my day job as a teacher. I'm also a qualified animator with professional experience and currently make graphics for cartoon video games. In my free time I enjoy performing with my local drama club in musicals. Besides the whole fearlessly-getting-up-on-stage thing, I'm actually a very shy, neurotic nervous wreck most of the time in real life; whether or not I appear that way online I'm not so sure! =D
Terms of Use
You may use my content in your game however you want; get creative and have fun! You may use my content in your own creations, but if you upload them, please ensure you credit the source. All of my shared Sims 2 content is here on TSR and all my Sims 3 content can be found on the official website, under the same username. Thank you and happy simming!
My Guestbook Show All
eviMay 24, 2011
Hi! Thank you so much for your comment on my clothes. Your feedback is always appreciated. See you around
luckyoyoJun 17, 2009
Hi, Thank you for commenting on my screenshot Something Weird , I'm glad it made you laugh, It made me laugh too!! Dee x
SIMcredible!Jun 10, 2009
Hello! Thanks for add a comment on my Dinner in Bathroom :X shot