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ShadowSpirit's Guestbook

lexiann123Jun 27, 2009

Best friends fo' life Lornizzle. Thanks for ALWAYS being there for me, and can't wait for you to visit next year. Seriously though, I'm verra fortunate to have you as a best friend & I am always here for you. All ya gotta do is sign in. X}D Your good friend, *Lex*

Angelbabe1983Jan 16, 2008

Hey! \:D Sorry this is a little late in coming. But thanks for commenting on my "That's Gotta Hurt" Screenshot. It's very much appreciated! \:wub\: Louise.

FazinhaJan 14, 2008

Hi! Thanks to comment in my screenshots! I love your profile! \;\)

qvisnJan 3, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my Hello penguin pic, i love penguins.\:P

ZayuryJan 2, 2008

Dear Shadowspirit, (love your screen name) thank-you very much for your sweet comment on my "An Angel Falls" pic! \:\) The last 3 pics of your vampyres are awesome! I'm definitely going to go check out your movies! The pics on your profile are awesome! The one you drew is great, I'm still thinking about what it says to me! \:\) Have a SIMply AWESOME NEW YEAR! \:rah\:

qvisnJan 2, 2008

Thanks for your comment on my penguin pic.\:D \:wub\:

cariadbachDec 31, 2007

\:\) Thanks for taking a look at my latest screen shot\:D

alechanDec 31, 2007

HI! Thanks for you nice comment of my baby shot. \:wub\: Pascal and his baby are always my fav. sims in each game! \:P Happy New Year! \:D

kissme87Dec 30, 2007

Thank u for comment in my screenshot . \:D

lexiann123Dec 29, 2007

LORNA!!!\:D SO SORRY for the late reply back! MERRY (LATE) X-MAS!!!\:D I'll be PM you bacl A.S.A.P.! Until then I'll talk to you VERY soon!\:D *Lex*

DarkBorderRDec 28, 2007

Exelent videos on YouTube!\:cool\: \:cool\: \:wub\:

jabireDec 28, 2007

You're wellcome Happy Nem Year ! Maluy\:wub\:

kissme87Dec 27, 2007

You are welcome . Happy Holidays and Hew Year \:\)

lexiann123Oct 17, 2007

I'm sorry to hear about college, but I definately feel for ya! I've been begging my mom to let me be homeschooled or something, because I HATE my school! I just can't stand all the immature losers and UGH...Sorry I'm starting to! Well I'm sorry to hear about that person who ruins your Fridays. I know how that is and those people just have a stcik up their ass! Sorry for the language, but one thing you should know about me is that I cuss when I'm mad, but only around people who will accept it. Yes, I think we do have H&M here. Of cours I'm not up to date with the latest fashion, but yeah I think we do. It sounds liuke you had a lot of fun and I'm glad!\:\) Well I'm going to one of my other friends birthday party on Saturday and mostly I'll just be on the computer the rest of the time, but I might walk downtown with my bestfriend. So yeah, I kinda have a social life now!\:P Yes, for Halloween well a couple days before I'm going to see a 3D horror movie with my best friend and some of her church friends. So that'll be fun. But, frankly for Halloween I'm passing out candy to kids and watching horror movies. Nothing special! Your costume sounds cool. I love vampires and I love your choice! Thanks for the link on Kylemonkey! It really made me laugh and cheered me up! I apreciate you caring about me.\;\) Oh yes, I've heard of Tokio Hotel, I LOVE there song 'Through the Monsoon' I think it's called? GREAT band though! So what are your plans for the weekand and how's your movie coming along, cause I'm DYING to see it!!!\:rah\: *Lex*

lexiann123Oct 8, 2007

Damn that youtube!lol! Thanks Lorna you're a good friend and I really appreciate the support!\:\) I totaly understand about the whole college, learning useless crap and the imature fucks! I have a bunch of those in my school...well actually the school is overrun by imature fucks! Yeah, DO NOT drop out! There are other ways to deal with it! I mean after your first semester can't you switch colleges? Well my brother's girlfriend did that, but we're in America so I don't know how it is in England. Anyways how was shoopping? Now I think I enjoy shopping a lot more, becasue I have friends that I can actually enjoy going shopping with! And nope I did nothing this weekend, but I think I will next weekend! P.s. yep, I joined Koinup but I think you already know that!lol!\:P *Lex*

lexiann123Sep 29, 2007

Oh don't be sorry! My comments were REALLY long and I apolagize for that! It's just that we have so much in common ya know? Anyways my life is dramatic and I'm a little depressed by it, but I put my depression into my screenshots so I do feel better. Yeah I don't listen to Angels and Airwaves as much either, but I use to ALL THE TIME! Now I'm inlove with the band 'Linkin Park' ever heard of them? Ya know I think I will join Koinup, but a little later! Right now I'm trying to focus on TSR, but I will join. How are you though? and How's college going? Hope to hear from you soon! *Lex* \;\)

lexiann123Sep 10, 2007

By the way I don't really know if I should join Koinup?I mean none of my screenshots can EVER compare to all of those other peoples! I mean it's just idk if people will like my work since I don't use any kind of photo editing program???\:\( \:\( \:\(

lexiann123Sep 10, 2007

Hey again! Don't worry about like I always say if you're busy you're's no big!\:P Oh sure rubit in with the camera!No I'm just joking, but I am VERY jealous!LOL! You're right I did laugh at that naming your camera Fudgey!!! I mean I think it's cool to name things so no you're definately not weird; believe me I've heard weirder! Anyways you'll be happy to hear that I have a new best friend who is soooooooooooooooo fun to be around! Her and I spent our Saturday together. We went to see a movie and then walked around town and stopped at a few stores and she's just such a GREAT person! The best part about the whole thing was that NO ADULTS were with us!!! We felt so grown up!\:P I know that sounds retarded, but it really was AWESOME!!! Yeah all the friends that I had since I was little have changed into people that they're really not I don't ever hang around them, but idc. So you're lucky to still have that friend! I know this is random but I LOVE the pic of you on your profile! You look so cool! Sorry that was a dorky thng to say~!LOL! Oh before I forget how's the movie coming along??? I really want to see it SOON!!!\:D \;\) *Lex*

lexiann123Sep 9, 2007

Hey Lorna!!!\:D I just wanted to stop by real quick and give you the link to this AMAZING music vid that I LOVE and I hope you like it! here's the link it's by the band 'Angels and Airwaves' They're my FAVORITE band EVER!!!\:D \:rah\: Tell me what you think of it afterwards! P.S. I'll write more when I get back to my moms ok!?\;\)

lexiann123Sep 4, 2007

Hey Lorna!!! Jope you do n't mind that I made this cpmment short! I'm really not feeling well today and I'm liek really tired sorry! Oh and I'm also sorry if I skip some of the things you wrote in that reply! Anways I understan how people around you can suck! Believe me I go through the same thing! Well I'm happy that we both have the same interests! I love photoghraphy as well! I can't wait to start my career as a professional either! School is school ya know? So nothing mich comes out of that! Freinds are becoming more and more didtant...I mean pretty much the only great friends I have on here are you and some others, but you're definately #1! I know I'm pathetic. Well it seems tghat this comment is long so nevermind about waht I said!lol! I hope you don't get sick during Fall! I hope to hear from you soon!\;\) *Lex*

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