ShawnaMarie2006 (1636417)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (243 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Feb 7, 2009
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About Me
I'm probably too old to be playing the sims still, but I just can't pull myself away! I bought the game originally back in like 2000 or something like that, then got all the expansion packs. I got bored with it and put it away in a box. When I moved I found them again and figured "hey, haven't played this in a while". Yeah...three weeks later and I was addicted again!!!
I'm also a musician, if you care to listen to any of my music, you can on my MySpace Music account. It's at
I'd love to hear your feedback on what you think of it. I'm currently recording an album and hope to be rich and famous and on MTV cribs lol. Realistically though, I just love to play and sing.
My favorite Sims2 sites:
TSR (obviously, lol)
Reflex Sims
My Guestbook Show All
wyldsyde53Jun 17, 2009
glad you like my clothes hope you have fun playing the game. Take care.
midland_04Mar 24, 2009
ShawnaMarie2006, thanks for the great comments on my Mountain Dew Drums Set 1, and my Desert Sands Livingroom set. I hope you enjoy them both, and hope to see you downloading from my stuff again soon. Sorry the reply is Sooooo late. Have a wonderful evening!
guitarmanMar 19, 2009
Hello: I was browsing thru my download history and found the poster of a lady model displaying a pump or some old fashion washing machine of some sort so, I decided to check out your site . I red that you like music and singing. I heard your singing at the start of the page and I think you have a good voice. I've been playing guitar for about 39 yrs. and still improving. Have you considered singing rock,blues or jazz? Your voice reminds me of this late 70's artist callet Gloria brannigan, and also if you song rock, even Pat Benetar also a real rocker from that era. Thanks again for sharing your interest and wish you lots of luck.