~SilverGirl~ (810345)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (117 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

For the Sweet Sim
Published May 20, 2005
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Mistress UselessFeb 19, 2007
Love the Pink Princess Dress!
WickedMayesJuggaletteJun 20, 2005
oh my GOODINESS! I had your golden shirt and pants in my game and it said it was by Silvergirl. So I came on here and typed in "silvergirl" and this other profile came up with NO creations or anything, so I knew it wasnt you! So what I did was type in "gold" in search and went through every single gold clothing EVER MADE! until I finally came upon yours so now Im here to ask you....(phew!) can I use your golden top and pants in a screenshot? Im not recoloring it or anything...just want to use them in a pic of this girl I made "goldie". So can I? Please!?
PhantasyGurlApr 02, 2005
Just adore your clothing and styles for the sims.. good work, SG!