SimMonte (441264)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (15 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

8449 Sunnyside Blvd
Published Oct 18, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (347 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

4356 Adams Ln
Published May 22, 2009
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About Me
Hello, My name is Chris and I'm from Tennessee. I am a House builder and I enjoy building different kinds of Sims homes which I'm sure you probably seen them already. Most of the time I like to base my houses on real house plans and sometimes my own ideas, some of the homes I build will get demolished or forgotten about until a later time. I am also a proud owner of 3 wonderful cats, Alley who is 15 years old, Pearl who is 5 years old and Cliffhanger who is 1 year old. Well that's all for now and thank you for stopping by! Happy Simming...
My Latest Updates Show All
Back in BusinessWritten Feb 14, 2013
I am finally back in business. I just got my computer back from being in the shop to be fixed. I will not be uploading the houses I said I was due to I have lost them all from when my 650GB hard drive went out and had no internet connection nor would the computer detect anything. So now that I got my computer back from the shop with a 1TB Hard Drive, I can now play my Sims but will have to... ...More
New houses soon to come!Written Jul 01, 2012
Good Afternoon Fellow Simmers. I had a vareity of Sim Homes that were prepped and ready during the duration of my time away due to no internet connection. Now that I finally have the internet back, my computer goes crazy and needs to be looked at to see whats wrong with it. So now about 15 homes have to wait to be uploaded til I can get my computer looked at and fixed. If its not one thing,... ...More
Still here!Written Mar 31, 2011
Hello everyone, I'm still alive and kicking. I've been busy alot these days and also been building 3 different lots while playing the game and editing some of the penthouses in Bridgeport to make them more roomy to fit the size of the families living in them. Sorry I haven't uploaded any new lots lately but it's hard to do that when your stuck on dial up again (had to let the cable modem go... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
dgandyDec 19, 2009
May this holiday season bring you love, peace of mind, good health
and prosperity that lasts throughout the years to come. Merry Christmas!
mkg316Dec 10, 2009
Hello Chris, Nice Homes if i might add very well done. I was curious because i spotted on one of your lots that you had i believe it was a VW GT as well as a Mustang . How or where did you get that? I would be really greatful if you shared some info. Thanx and keep making those awsome lots Happy Holidays!
lolobug99Nov 29, 2009
hey ty so much for the mustang gt thing!! but i have a prob. it saying paint cannot read this bitmap!! if u know how to solve he prob. can u plz tell me!!! i want that car so bad!! plz help!!