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Simlover4eva's Guestbook

SimsBarbieJun 20, 2008


SimsBarbieJun 16, 2008

Hey! How are are ya?\:D

tdyanndMar 13, 2008

\:\) I'm glad you enjoyed my legacy, and thanks for the comment. I appreciate the feedback.

SimsBarbieMar 6, 2008

Hey you! I just found out, we've been chatting since Nov 2006, or little before then! LOL I was looking through my past guestbook entries for someone. How are you? Do you have FreeTime?

tdyanndFeb 19, 2008

Thank you for your comment on the Andretti Legacy. I strive for unexpected turns! I don't want a plain legacy! \:D

Claudia35Feb 7, 2008

Thanks for your comment on my story "From Past to Future: Minako's Adventures". I hope you will like the second part too\:\)

SimsBarbieFeb 6, 2008

We are trying to plan a trip to DisneyWorld for next year some time. Have you been there? I've only been to Disneyland a gang of times since I used to live so close to it.

SimsBarbieFeb 4, 2008

Oh...and I never did the Chritsmas party for my sims. lol I barely had time to decorate their homes! lol

SimsBarbieFeb 4, 2008

It has been a few days now, so how are you feeling? How's school and your Aunt? I think I am coming down with something too....but i'll dotor up my slight cold with some Vitamin-C. It usually works for me. Just yesterday I bought the Sims Life Stories. (For my laptop) But i'm not sure if I like it. Basically because I can not use my mouse to scroll around the screen. I have to use the keyboard! lol I do like the story board part of the game though. It's cute ya know... Life stories Castaway looks interesting. Maybe i'll eventually buy it.

SimsBarbieDec 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to you and your family also!\:wub\: I hope you got everything you wanted. God Bless.

tdyanndDec 17, 2007

No, I accidently overwrote it with part 7. \:\( There's a summary of Part 6 within the comments of Part 7. Sorry.

tdyanndDec 9, 2007

Thank you so much for commenting again! \:\) Much appreciated. I'm hoping the next part will be much longer. \:D

SimsBarbieNov 27, 2007

I didn't do much for my b-day but on ThanksGiving my husband and I cooked and ate all day and night. And still we have left overs! I'm tired of the food. lol Now, I did do a Halloween party for my sims, but when a couple of the sims showed up to the party, they were wearing their work garb and not the costume I picked out for them. I was mad. By the the time I was done with the party, it was Thanksgiving. So I will do a Christmas party for them. Last year I did a Christmas wedding. It was kinda nice. \:D Did you ever do the "Rally Forth?" I though of you when I tried it finally. LOL It definately takes a toll on the "needs" So be careful.

SimsBarbieNov 23, 2007

\:D Happy Turkey Day to you too! God bless you and your family. Oh! I see that you had a birthday...My b-day was on Nov 5. What did you do?

JubilantNov 9, 2007

i know it has to end ... \:\( but it'll be okay. Maybe others will write stories about their adventures with Pleasantview and / or Strangetown. \:wub\: erin

JubilantNov 6, 2007

Hi, I'll definately do a picture of the Dreamers ... I just uploaded chapter 21 but that one is mostly about Alex ... but we will revisit the Dreamers ... \:wub\: erin

tdyanndOct 24, 2007

Thanks for commenting on Part 14 of the Fisher Legacy. \:\) However, it is the last part that will be made. You can read about why in blog. \:\(

JuiceToTheMAXXOct 23, 2007

Okay start a new neighborhood (or if you want to lose all your current sims an old one) type in "DeleteAllCharacters" in the cheat box. Then add a community lot to prevent glitches. Then create a sim and a lot and put them in any lot. Type in "boolProp testingcheatsenabled true" click + shift on the mail box click "Create New Townies" and "Create New NPCs" or something along that lines you'll know it when you see it. Note: this takes awhile. On my slow computer it took like 2 hrs on my new one it took about 10 minutes Hope this helps. Have a good one! Jay

newbie.t.Oct 3, 2007

Hi Katherine, thanks for having a go at reading my story! \;\) Blogspot can be confusing if you haven't used it before. The link on my page should take you to my blogspot homepage. Then in the top right corner should be links to the My Perfect Life stories, 'Getting Hit By A Bus' and 'Food'. Click on one of them to get to the story. No page turning to worry about! Thanks again, hope that helps \:\)

janellevqSep 30, 2007

Happy belated birthday! \:D Anyway, thanks for commenting on The Applewind Legacy the past couple times! Part 4 is out, I hope you'll check it out. Thanks, have a good day!

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