Simmys4 (6597913)
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omgitsmarieJun 04, 2016
With my cover photo- i opened up photoshop and i created a new blank photo that was 115 x 115 pixels- and then i took the picture that i wanted to use for my cover photo and re-sized it down using the "free transform" option under the "edit" tab. If you hold down shift click it will keep it sized properly, but make sure you let go of the mouse before you let go of the shift button.
hopefully this helped!
omgitsmarieJun 02, 2016
Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I am glad that you like the shirt! i have a few sweaters that have been approved and are waiting to be published. And i tank top, ill also be publishing a mens version! So check back soon!!
PS: Josh is totally amazing!