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Sophiee536's Guestbook

PralinesimsOct 3, 2012

Hello!\:\) Thank you so so sooo much!!!!♥ Have a lovely day!! XOXO

PralinesimsSep 27, 2012

Hello! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!♥ Have a lovely day!!!!♥♥♥

LilyOfTheValleyMar 11, 2012

Hi Sophie \:\) Thank you for leaving a comment on my Under Stairs Storage. I'm gald you like it. \:wub\:

LilyOfTheValleyDec 31, 2011

Hi Sophie \:\) I'm very happy you love my Under Stairs shelving set and thank you for the wonderful comment. It was one of the best comments I've ever gotten. \:wub\: Happy New Year to you too! \:wub\:

fredbrennyDec 28, 2011

Hi Sophie, \:wub\: Thanks very much for the wonderful comment on the Chowning House. Both Gary (Gissence) and I worked hard on this House to present it to all of you on Christmas Day, Happy New Year to you! \:wub\:

dsrhnryFeb 15, 2011

it's a real shame when people feel so little for others work than to steal thier ideas. makes you just want to not share with anyone so it at least is not out there to steal. But i just want you to know i enjoyed your work so very much. You had the cooliest ideas, and the best work. i'm sorry about the game crashing, god i just finally got mine to work again, i started with just dumping every single mod i had well cept awesome, if there has to be sims without awesome mod, then there is no life. lol. but everything else went bye bye, i guess my game has some vindeta against me and does not want me to have fun. hehe j/k. I finally got a new laptop, but i'm gonna keep this old clunker for the game, it has issues but lots of ram and space, so the laptop will remain for web cam and music and stuff like that. I wish you the best of luck on getting all your stuff to work perfect and maybe you can enjoy again. I'll keep all my fingers and toes crossed for ya. here is a big hug for you for luck...........................muwaaaaaa talk to you soon. oh yeah, happy valentines day.    

dsrhnrySep 5, 2010

your very welcome, and i'm sure with your talent, you can be select artist easily. you have so much talent. if ever you need my help, just ask. xoxo

CleotopiaAug 20, 2010

GaGa oeh la la, \:D  I was the one who smashed a plastic bottle to Justin's head! \:\) - Kidding   XOXO

dsrhnryAug 15, 2010

your very welcome hon, i appreciate all your efforts in creating wonderful things for all of us, and share them with us for our sims. thank you so much.xxoo

dsrhnryAug 8, 2010

yes very much so. I think that you guys, creators, are so wonderful, and even nicer is the fact that you are so nice in sharing them with alll of us to put in our sim homes. thank you so much again. and have a wonderful day.

dsrhnryAug 7, 2010

weeeee, i can't wait to see. thank you so very much for doing this for me. and i can't wait to see other things that you create. I hope you have as much fun creating as we enjoy seeing from you. thank you again. ~hugs~ your the best.

dsrhnryAug 7, 2010

awwww thank you so much for putting up the aero t, i know it will be awesome and i can't wait to see it. take care and can't wait to see more from you. i think you have a talent that needs to be shared.

dsrhnryAug 5, 2010

Sofie, ref your comments in my guest book. I really mean what i say, I appreciate the fact that you are not only a talented creator, but the fact that you care enough to share your sweet precious few times to upload to allow all of us to use your brilliant work in our game.  I think you have talent, that is easy to see. and I do have a small request, it's for a toddler, i'm a huge concert freak, i've got an aerosmith tattoo years ago and even met steven tyler backstage years back, and would love to see an aerosmith pic, or just the wings on a toddler's shirt, or steven's big lips maybe?  something like that would be awesome.  I'm so proud of you, the fact that you want to create more, that is a good feeling to know that i have you to turn to for downloads. Your talent is always appreciated here. I see a lot of thank you's and I know if people had more time they would write more, I think that everyone here on this site are very cool folks. thank you so much for continueing on your journey of creation, and i can not wait to see more from you. ~hugs~ your the best. \:\)

dsrhnryAug 5, 2010

I just wanted to stop by to say hello, and that I really enjoyed your toddlers shirt, it was so cute. It looks great in game, and I thank you for the time it took to share with all of us.  I look forward to seeing more from you in the future.  \:\)

WWEmichael2010Aug 4, 2010

Hi Sophiee. Thanks for your comment on my WWE Posters Wall Art. Glad you like it. If you have any more ideas, please message me and I'll gbet back to you. Thanks.

okiiJul 21, 2010

awkay Sophie.. ill work on those maternity thingamajig.. maybe sometime later this weekend, as im busy being a corporate slave.. now.. *sob* thank you for the ideas! those are nice! me love it! keep those ideas coming! because i want to upgrade my goatee.. again.. XD

denizzo_istJul 21, 2010

Hi \:D Thank you very much for your lovely comments on my 'Secret Garden Villas Type B' and 'Green Palace Hotel *Fully Furnished*'. Really I'm glad you like them \:wub\: Have a wonderful day \:rah\:

okiiJul 19, 2010

yay! another one dig my Goatee! \:o thank you so much for your download and comment! - have a great day!

CandyDollukJul 18, 2010

thanks for the nice message sure i make that lol im from somerset

moieemJul 18, 2010

Hey! Will you bookmark me as an artist? I really want to be one! \:wub\:

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