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Created for: The Sims 3
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Isabella is a clumsy, hopeless romantic, hot headed, virtuous and charismatic sim. I loved all her cute faces and little trips so much that I decided to share her. :) This is my first upload, so I hope I did it right. :/
Hair in the picture: TSR's Newsea Aroma (not included because of being subscription)
Freckles: TSR's Gosik (not included because of being subscription. If you want freckles Mod the Sims ladyfrontbum and papercat have nice ones :)
(The shirt is also not included, but is Lianaa's if you want it :)
Hair on her: Newsea's free Rosy Cloud
Blush: Natural Minerals Foundation from http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63e832e00100k6eu.html
Lips: By Mod The Sims' creator theonlyonetwo
Everything else on her should be base game items. If I forgot any please let me know.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/993128
ItemID: 993128
Filesize: 1 MB
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