SugoiZiua (3734351)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (133 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Suburban Garden Terrain Paint Set
Published Oct 9, 2011
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One hundred thousand downloads...Written Dec 31, 2011
Hehe, when I was 50.000 downloads, I said "Next step: 100.000 downloads!". Today, it happened! I can say that's maybe a Christmas present (, in fact :p). Thanks to downloading my creations! I hope you like it and I also hope I have improved... I stil have a big lot of things to create! :) ...More
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CrossingAug 10, 2012
Hi there! Sorry if I'm being a bother, but my eye was caught by the small horse figurine shown in the screenshots of your Mekong Tryptic Paintings. I've looked all over trying to find it or something like it, but no luck. Can you tell me more about this item? Thanks!
PralinesimsMay 30, 2012
Thank you so much!! XOXO!
lilliebouMay 08, 2012
Salut salut ! Merci beaucoup pour le commentaire que tu as laiss� sur ma nouvelle maison ! Passe une belle semaine