Sunflake (86855)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Bardeth Ay
Published Feb 13, 2010
About Me
Been simming forever here at TSR. I became a member in 2002 and only recently discovered all the extra features here. I played a lot of Sims1, so much that I couldn't leave it to go to Sims2. (Thanks to TSR I had a TON of Sims1 content and didn't want to start over in Sims2). I bought it but barely played. Got Sims3 as a gift and I'm back!
Thanks to all the great creators for your work that makes TSR possible! My Sims and I appreciate it!
My Latest Updates Show All
Third Submission: Bardeth AyWritten Feb 11, 2010
Still working on my Mummy stuff. This is the best Ardeth Bay from The Mummy movies that I could manage with the in game meshes (and my Medjai Face Tattoo ). I know the hair and the facial hair aren't quite right, so I'm still looking for those meshes and I know his clothes are pretty boring too. There isn't much in game for the Egyptian themed clothes and the only robes I've found are for... ...More
Second Submission: Medjai Face TattooWritten Feb 06, 2010
For the Egpytian theme I wanted to do a group like the cast of The Mummy. One of my challenges has been the tattoos on Ardeth Bay's face. With the help of TSR Workshop and a great tutorial by Billabong , I was able to finally create the Medjai Face Tattoo . Now I just have to find the right hair mesh for him. :sigh: Hope you like it. ...More
First Submission: Detective Mac TaylorWritten Jan 24, 2010
Well, after 9 years of playing Sims, I finally uploaded my first submission: Detective Mac Taylor from CSI:NY. I figured he would be a great addition with the Dynamic DNA Profiler career in Sims3. He was a little tricky because his eyebrows are so arched, but I think he came out pretty well that if you saw him in game you'd say, "Hey! That's Mac Taylor!". Hope you all like it. Might... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
paramitiMay 22, 2010
Thank you for leaving a comment on one of my Danita Halloween paintings..sorry i am late to say Thanx but i was not here at TSR this year til now..Thanx Again!!
shakeshaftFeb 17, 2010
Hi there ! Thank you for taking the time to comment on my creations, it is very much appreciated. Happy Simming!! Andrea
mensureFeb 15, 2010
Hi, Thanks for your nice comment on my work! Happy simmimg!