TabbyDragon (1551650)
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European Wild Cat
Published Oct 30, 2007
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About Me
Hi! I'm TabbyDragon, and I am fortunate enough to own two cats (Pilgrim, a gray female, and Moony, a black male) and a bearded dragon (Skylar, a male). I absolutely adore my pets!
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LellieGMar 23, 2009
Wow, thanks! Yeah, New Zealand has quite a few unique animals. Kiwis are the most notable, but they're not backyard-frequenters! They are pretty darn cute though! Ooh forgot to say, your username fits perfectly!
LellieGMar 16, 2009
Wow, that's a whole lot of wild animals! Yes, we just get random mice, and Smutty brings them in as gifts... Gosh, I don't think we have voles or groundhogs or kangaroo rats in our backyards here in New Zealand! Just mice, apparently!
LellieGMar 12, 2009
Hmm, there's been mice... lots of mice! Apart from that, nothing really. Other people's cats and dogs love occasionally coming over to sniff around our backyard and drive Smutty up trees, but they're not wild! What wild animals have you found?