Tempty (292935)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (71 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Castaway Isle (inspired by LOST)
Published May 27, 2007
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I have been playing the sims since the origional sims 1 game and have been a member of TSR for nearly as long! I love the TSR for it's "huge" amount of custom content and for the friendlness and support of it's members through the Forums
I have learned many things about the sims through this fantastic community and hope in some small way my own creations can give something back to a community that has given me so much!. All of my creations are TSRAA and you may use where you like without permission
Unfortuantly durring the summer months I must admit the Sims does take more of a back seat and I don't create or play as much as I'd like (there just are'nt enough hours in the day hehe) the pic below is one of reasons I'm out and about more, I passed my test in jan 2005 and when the weather is good I just can't drag myself away.... I'm a dedicated Biker Chick LOL.
I hope you enjoy my creations and promise more are on the way (just as soon as I can peel myself out of my leathers!)
My Latest Updates Show All
Cutters PassWritten Oct 22, 2007
coming Soon! The first Addition to Cutters Pass is finally here Little Nook Cabin. I have built this as a lodge for my resort, although you can of course use it as a normal family home. Small but homely it's a great launch pad for a holiday in the mountains. Surround it with trees in the neighborhood for a more authentic look :) I hope you enjoy it, more to come from Cutters Pass very... ...More
The first small stepsWritten Oct 04, 2007
Real life has decided to interfere with my leisure time this week so I have not been able to develop the site as I would have liked. However I have managed to make a few small changes. I am also getting very close to releasing work from my latest project Cutters Pass Mountain retreat. This project includes everything you will need for a complete mountain getaway, Lodges, Hotels,... ...More
A new beginingWritten Sep 30, 2007
I have for some time been saving kudos points to create a minisite. Now that I have accomplished this task I will soon be releasing more of my work. pictures and a blog of the work to be published will follow very soon....... watch this space :) ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ayyuffApr 14, 2009
Hi ! Many thanks for taking the time to leave wonderful guestbook entry Much appreciated
shakeshaftOct 07, 2007
Hi, thank you for your comments on my creations, they are very much appreciated, glad you like them. Happy Simming!! Andrea
shakeshaftJul 29, 2007
Hi, just want to say thanks for your comment on my H&M Dress Set 4, glad you like them..Happy Simming!! Andrea